Motoring Discussion > Lollipop Man Vs Firemen Miscellaneous
Thread Author: zippy Replies: 10

 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - zippy


 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - No FM2R
If it is true as reported, and its from the BBC so who knows, the man was clearly being a complete a***. I wonder what on earth was in his mind at the time.

Perhaps he's not well.
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - zippy
>>the man was clearly being a complete a***


He put himself and the kids in danger and if the fire engine had difficulty in stopping, potentially the firemen and other road users!

Deserves more than being sacked - is there a potential for prosecution?
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - Alanovich
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - No FM2R
I couldn't agree more.
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - Alanovich
What I was trying to say was: "Did none of the parents consider the option of refusing to cross and telling the lollipop man to stop being such a tw@ and get out of the frikkin way?"

Never been turbo nuked like that before. Quite pleased.
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - Armel Coussine
What they all said.

Unless as someone suggested he had suddenly been taken ill, the guy should never have been given the job. Some people are too stupid to be allowed out on their own, let alone be given safety-related jobs. Should have been confined to a nursery for the mentally under-endowed.
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - bathtub tom
"Firefighters had to physically remove the man"

Conjures up a lovely mental image......................;>)
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - Dave_
Says a lot about the mindset of the adult pedestrians who continued to cross in front of the fire engine.

When I used to do the school run (on foot) the patrol person would hold their lollipop pole horizontally, using it as a waist-height barrier to hold pedestrians back for a passing emergency vehicle.
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - Cliff Pope
>> Says a lot about the mindset of the adult pedestrians who continued to cross in
>> front of the fire engine.

That's what we have come to in 21st century Britain. If a little man in a fluorescent jacket says Do This, then we all do what he says.
 Lollipop Man Vs Firemen - No FM2R
> If a little man in a fluorescent jacket says Do This, then we all do what he says.

Wait till Farage, Cameron, Mr. X1 and Mr. X2 work that out!
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