Motoring Discussion > Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags Miscellaneous
Thread Author: VxFan Replies: 16

 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - VxFan

Japanese car giants Toyota and Nissan are recalling a total of 6.5 million cars globally to replace potentially faulty airbag inflators made by Takata.

More recalls ahead

After the recalls by Toyota and Nissan were announced, Honda - Japan's number three automaker - said it was also preparing to announce more car recalls related to the air bags.

No details were given on the number of cars Honda would recall.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - legacylad
Coincidentally my BMW is at my nearest main dealer tomorrow for an airbag recall.
Unreliable pile of poo
11 years and something goes wrong
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - bathtub tom
Isn't this old news?

My old, '53 Almera had a recall for this a couple of years ago. I didn't bother for a number of reasons, mainly because I didn't fancy some oik dismantling my rattle-free dashboard.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - VxFan
>> I didn't fancy some oik dismantling my rattle-free dashboard.

As long as he's not a nose picking oik, you should be ok. Else you'll get accused of belittling them.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - Bill Payer
>> 11 years and something goes wrong

I seem to remember that when airbags started to be fitted it was said they only had a life of 10yrs.

If that was stuck to then every 10yr old car would have to be scrapped.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - helicopter
Had my 10 year old Accord airbags checked out under recall last month by my local Honda dealer.

I suspect that my car is not the only Honda so affected.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - Old Navy
My 2014 Yaris is not affected by the recall, it seems to be older cars.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Fri 15 May 15 at 07:52
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - VxFan
>> My 2014 Yaris is not affected by the recall, it seems to be older cars.

Well the report does say "Toyota said it was recalling just under five million cars, including the Corolla, Vitz and other models made between March 2003 and November 2007" so that's why your 2014 Yaris hasn't been recalled.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - CGNorwich
All car manufacturers have a re-call database. Here is Toyota's
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - VxFan
You can also check on VOSA's website.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - nice but dim
My 07 plate Corolla doesnt seem to affected according to the VOSA and Toyota websites. I think I wouldn't bother anyway due to the same reasons as BT.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - WillDeBeest
So an airbag might go off while you're driving but the (small but real) risk of that is preferable to the (probably imaginary) risk of the dashboard not going back together properly?
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - nice but dim
Its not affected anyway so not an issue.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - bathtub tom
>> So an airbag might go off while you're driving but the (small but real) risk
>> of that is preferable to the (probably imaginary) risk of the dashboard not going back
>> together properly?

No mention of the airbag going off inadvertently in any of the reports I've read. I understand it only affects the passenger airbag and that it may eject pieces of plastic or metal if activated.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - WillDeBeest may eject pieces of plastic or metal if activated.

Ah. So that's all right then.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - Old Navy
>> Well the report does say "Toyota said it was recalling just under five million cars,
>> including the Corolla, Vitz and other models made between March 2003 and November 2007" so
>> that's why your 2014 Yaris hasn't been recalled.

What it does not say is that is in addition to the cars already recalled.
 Toyota & Nissan recall 6.5 million cars - airbags - Alastairw
I was told that airbags generally fail 'safe' in that if a fault is detected they don't go off at all, rather than firing unexpectedly.
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