In one of the two nearest small towns today on the way to the garage, I saw a car with a crazed tailgate window.
According to the garage blokes 109 - a hundred and nine! - cars in this area had their windows broken last night (yesterday's last night to be accurate). They thought a catapult had been used. They said no one had been caught for it yet. That's a bit surprising, and a bit worrying.
Police cuts no doubt. Pretty nasty, no?
High Wycombe is up to around 300 windows broken now...
In Glasgow a few years ago a spate of shop windows being smashed was finally traced to someone who worked for the on-call glazing company!
>> traced to someone who worked for the on-call glazing company!
Didn't a similar thing happen when a tyre company scattered a few nails on the road not far from their workshop?
>> >> traced to someone who worked for the on-call glazing company!
Something like that did occur to me. But I dismissed the idea as too unlikely.