There's a huge difference between those that abandon their car all day for a freebie and those that overstay a short while whilst they spend their hard earned.
The 'enforcers' do not differentiate between the two. The industry is awash with bandits who take great please extracting the cash and then making you fight to prove your case. Many can't stomach the fight, roll over and pay up. They are all mugs to the 'enforcers'. The use of Police type bags and the printing of stationary to look like proper enforcement notices all goes to show the psychology behind the industry.
The bedrock of law on the back of Human Rights is reasonability and proportionality.
This type of decision falls into their hands and gives them credible licence to extort money.
If you could guarantee that all car parks where enforcement takes place where correctly policed with adequate signage clearly displaying terms and conditions then so be it, but they aren't and these cowboys will always operate on the fringes.
Life is complicated enough with ever increasing attempts to steal your savings in more and more elaborate ways. This is just another example which has tried to gain some respectability. Its an industry - nothing else.
Last edited by: Fullchat on Thu 23 Apr 15 at 21:58