Motoring Discussion > Slap on the Wrist! Miscellaneous
Thread Author: wokingham Replies: 7

 Slap on the Wrist! - wokingham
The partner of Stephen Fry has been banned from driving after speeding at more than 100mph to get the comedian to the Hay-on-Wye literature festival.

Elliott Spencer, 27, was accompanied by the actor and QI TV quiz host when he appeared at Cwmbran Magistrates' Court on Wednesday.

Spencer was banned from driving for seven days after being clocked driving at 101mph in a 70mph zone on the A449.

The pair announced on Tuesday that they will marry later this year.

The court heard the pair were running late when Fry told his partner to "get a move on" in the loaned Aston Martin DB9 they were travelling in.

The couple were driving from their London home to the festival on 24 May when they were caught by a mobile speed camera near Newport.

The actor was giving his inaugural address as president of the literature festival.

As well as the ban, Spencer was fined £100 with £85 costs and ordered to pay a £20 victim surcharge.

Seems very lenient to me
Last edited by: Webmaster on Thu 8 Jan 15 at 09:11
 Slap on thevWrist! - CGNorwich
About average for the offence I would say.

 Slap on thevWrist! - Lygonos
Fine will depend on Spencer's income I imagine.

I was fined £210 in 2005 for 90mph in a 60mph limit (no victim surcharge nonsense then)
 Slap on thevWrist! - Armel Coussine
>> victim surcharge nonsense

The only victim is Stephen Fry's partner, a victim of speed cameras. Load of humbug.
 Slap on thevWrist! - wokingham
I thought a 7 day ban for exceeding 100mph on a motorway was very lenient.
 Slap on thevWrist! - Crankcase
It's at the lowest end, but is in the guidelines.

 Slap on thevWrist! - wokingham
Thank you Crankcase, quite surprising,
 Slap on thevWrist! - Bromptonaut
Note also that it's disqualification 7-56 days OR points.
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