A new thread rather than this get buried in the other car tax thread.
Having experienced hiring abroad, a car from one of the biggest car hie companies and then finding it was not taxed this is something I am aware of.
Reporting that untaxed shed in a street near you is no longer an option :-(
Does the liability for hire cars attach to the driver or the hie co/keeper?
>> Does the liability for hire cars attach to the driver or the hie co/keeper?
In the uk, given that enforcement is by fining the registered keeper via ANPR, or on the road by seizing the car, then its very much the hire co's liability!
>> Does the liability for hire cars attach to the driver or the hie co/keeper?
RFL - no idea.
Tyres however, it's the responsibility of the driver to ensure they're legal.
As far as insurance goes anyway, the driver of a hire or company vehicle is entitled to assume that the owner or keeper has complied with the legal requirements. I would think it's the same re tax and MoT, the driver having the onus of ensuring the vehicle is visibly legal.
There are 3 elements to a lot of traffic offences. Use, Cause and Permit. In respect of Vehicle Excise offences the offence relates to 'Keeping' and is the responsibiliy of the registered keeper. So in the case of a hire vehicle the registered keeper is 'keeping'. The driver would have been 'failing to display' which as of Oct 1st is no longer a requirement.
So if a hire vehicle had a defective tyre say, the driver would be using as well as the hire company as vehicle hire is their business.
In simple terms if I lent you my car with a defective tyre I would be 'permitting' as well as you 'using' and if I were your Manager and being aware of a defect told you to drive the vehicle or you would be looking for another job I would be 'causing' and you would be 'using'.