Job done! - assuming they do not drive during their bans.
I'd imagine Insurance might be an issue for them in 12-18 months time
Looked pretty harmless to me and far from serious.
I bet Justin Bieber went faster than that.
>> tinyurl.com/ptuhm78
>> Job done! - assuming they do not drive during their bans.
>> I'd imagine Insurance might be an issue for them in 12-18 months time
Looks like it could be filmed at the Ikea lights on the A406 North Circ any morning of the week to me - just substitute the normal young boy racer crap for any company car. Not exactly crime of the century is it.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 13 Aug 14 at 20:01
There must be some other footage somewhere that the Police used for the prosecution case! As above, it would be regarded as commuter mimsing in the SoutEast.
Several not insured, or lying to get illusory cover. And the insured one's no better than they ought to be. Just as well they weren't cyclists. The wrath of Car4play would descend.
Very disciplined racing criminals in action.>;)
Looks like a bit of harmless fun to me. Obviously the issue is insurance.
Wannabe boy racers mimsing in small engined motors....unlike the Golf R & Focus ST who were lighting up my local road last week.
Yeah but no but..........only takes one to clip another and all those vulnerable kids would be at a mighty risk.
Mr Misery.
Nice to see a road with no traffic and my bog-standard family saloon accelerates faster than them!
I wonder if the uninsured ones were crushed and, if not, why not. Clearly circumstances for which the law provided this penalty.
Looks like the wrong footage to me. Was that clip from a Safe Driving promotion video?
I indulged in a teansy bit of racing on the way in this morning. It's always fun to drive the Triumph sometimes, and this Sprinter van had been tailgating me for miles. Emerging from a village on to a long uphill straight he instantly swerved out to overtake.
I don't know what came over me, m'lud, I just couldn't resist teasing him for a bit by accelerating and keeping slightly ahead, then put my foot down and left him standing.
He held on for a long while, still on the wrong side of the road, dropping into the distance, then gave up.
Childish, irresponsible, dangerous, I know, but irresistable once in a while.
I never want or dare to in the Volvo, but the Triumph is in fine fettle now, contact breaker nicely adjusted (ref AC), carburettors tuned and well-balanced, and the semi-sport exhaust itching to switch from purr to muted growl mode.
>> Looks like a bit of harmless fun to me. Obviously the issue is insurance.
>> Wannabe boy racers mimsing in small engined motors....unlike........
But like the uninsured 1.2 Corsa fitted with a 2.0 engine and probably an inexperienced driver way beyond his capabilities. I wonder if the brakes and suspension were professionally modified, bodged up in a shed, or left untouched.
Would these cars even be allowed on a track day?
Last edited by: Old Navy on Thu 14 Aug 14 at 08:32
These modified cars are covered for 3rd party claims until such time as the insurer cancels the policy. The policy would however not cover damage to the policy owners vehicle as they have not notified / declared modifications.
I would imagine the police are notifying the insurers, probably with some accompanying pictures, and they are cancelling the policies.
It's not a absolute, up the power and need to uprate the brakes. Some cars have braking abilities that are way beyond what anybody reasonable needs on the public highway, whereas others haven't even got good enough brakes with a standard engine. Lower models of Vauxhall Cavalier in late 80s were in this bracket, I made one smoke the brakes in a about 3 miles of fast road driving.
But the Morgan 4/4 I had, the power was upped from high 80s bhp to about 140 bhp and the brakes were fine. And I did sprints and hillclimbs with it. Before anyone says, the insurers were fully informed, but gave a remarkably good impression of not caring one jot.
Nova looks propa sik m8, all dat truble ov wok and dey put in a borin SRi interior, shuda put in a vxr interioz.