Motoring Discussion > Wearing flip-flops..... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: R.P. Replies: 35

 Wearing flip-flops..... - R.P.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Telb
That's why driving in flip-flops is being made illegal in Spain
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Runfer D'Hills
One legged man goes into a shoe shop.

'Help you Sir?'

'Got any flip flips?
 Wearing flip-flops..... - No FM2R
Here's your coat..
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Haywain
"'Got any flip flips?"

Surely a one-legged man would just ask for flips?
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Fenlander
That would depend which leg was missing.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - VxFan
I think that joke flopped.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Haywain
I'd assumed that because he mentioned only flips, it was his his right leg that was missing.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Fenlander
>>> assumed that because he mentioned only flips, it was his his right leg that was missing

Well that would depend which way he was facing.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - neiltoo
If he was French, his name may be.....

wait for it.......

Philipe Fallope.

 Wearing flip-flops..... - No FM2R
That's the guillotine for you!
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Crankcase
>> That's the guillotine for you!

I think you should ring and ask him if that's ok first. Here's his number:

 Wearing flip-flops..... - Roger.
Flip-Flops hurt my feet. The bit that goes between the big toe and its neighbour is just painful.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Duncan
>> Flip-Flops hurt my feet. The bit that goes between the big toe and its neighbour
>> is just painful.

They have names you know!!

Just like us!

The next toe to the big toe is called the long toe - according to Wiki.

Last edited by: Duncan on Thu 15 May 14 at 17:40
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Armel Coussine
I agree that thing between the big and long toes is very nasty and uncomfortable.

Long-time wearers of flipflops develop calloused and bent toes on either side of the damn thing. They end up with something that looks like a cloven hoof. And serve them right. What's wrong with bare feet? Better than flipflops if you ask me.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - legacylad
Flip flops are fine in certain circumstances. Walking on a hot beach. A gentle stroll around Ayia Napa ( suit you Runfer... I'm still trying) but anyone who even thinks of driving in them is a complete imbecile. Which isn't fair on imbeciles.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - VxFan
>> The next toe to the big toe is called the long toe - according to Wiki.

I thought they were all little piggies, and the 2nd one stayed at home while one of his neighbours went off to market.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Runfer D'Hills
No need to make a thong and dance about it.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Manatee
I have some flip flops that cost me £2 in Primark (I went for the deluxe ones). Very satisfactory, they lack the 'thong' and have a strap instead.

Give your buyer a pat on the back, Runfer.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Runfer D'Hills
(Any expletive you like ) off Manatee !


Anyway, they're not flip flops they're slides.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Thu 15 May 14 at 21:45
 Wearing flip-flops..... - WillDeBeest
Damn, missed a trick there. Beestling Minor needed a pair for judo, to be worn for a couple of minutes a week at the start and end of the session. We were in Polyester Direct buying other stuff (both Beestlings are commendably un-label sensitive) so I thought I'd get some there. Eight quid they cost me. Where is Primark?
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Runfer D'Hills
Chuffing great big one at the Marble Arch end of Oxford St (I believe)
 Wearing flip-flops..... - WillDeBeest
I thought that was M&S - or are they one and the same these days?
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Runfer D'Hills
Across the road. I try not to look at it.

Take heart though, at least with your 8 quid ones there might have be enough left over after everyone has had their cut to have paid the guy who made them an appropriate amount.

Think of it as a contribution to global economic recovery.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Thu 15 May 14 at 22:00
 Wearing flip-flops..... - bathtub tom
>>Think of it as a contribution to global economic recovery.

and R D'H's LEC running costs.

 Wearing flip-flops..... - Alanovich
>> Where is Primark?


Like everything else you might conceivably need in life. Unlike WDHs, where you just get Cath Kidston and charmingly anarchic homewares shops selling extremely shiny and expensive mystery devices. Not forgetting label sensitive clothes shops (£150 for a pair of skinny jeans, only stock them in up to 34" waist, and 90 quid for a cutesy shirt, only stock sizes up to medium, Sir), which I note your family commendably dodges, and wallet-sappingly organic food markets (once every two months).

You sure you're living in the right town?
 Wearing flip-flops..... - WillDeBeest

I went to Reading this week, in fact. Oxford Road, to be precise, to visit Richer Sounds. (The Eton branch didn't have in stock what I wanted; now that is a strange place.) Required extensive map-study and Streetviewing in advance, but I got there and back without getting lost, only getting stuck in the school-out traffic over Caversham Bridge on the way home.

I still think I prefer Slough, strange as that may sound.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Alanovich
Well yes, Oxford Rd can seem foreboding to the untrained/inexperienced eye, but is in fact quite a jolly place really. Lots of variety.

Never had a problem with Slough, perfectly nice place on the whole. But preferring it to Reading is, indeed, a bit of a niche choice. Reading has the benefit of an utterly wonderful and thoroughly ignored and underused Thames frontage. We even have a twee "Tea Barge" moored at Reading bridge now, doing all sorts of nice breakfasty things and the like.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - WillDeBeest
It's not that I especially like going to Slough, Vić; more that I prefer it for functional stuff because I can get in and out without an IDR to tangle with.
Most recently I had to pick a Homebase store from which to collect a grass trimmer. Maidenhead didn't have it, Reading and Slough did, so Slough won despite being farther away. Mrs Beest has none of my fears and would have gone to Reading, I'm sure.

Tea barge looks like fun, but (a) 1030 is a bit late to open for breakfast, (b) narrowboats aren't the favourite haunts of persons of enhanced verticality, and (c) our WDH is hardly short of twee riverside refreshments, is it?
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Alanovich
I see your point, if travelling from your particular WDH to a B&Q, Slough might well trump Reading for me too. But that's one of the reasons I live in Reading - I don't have to travel out of town for anything really. The IDR issues are over exaggerated, I need to use it twice a day in peak times and it barely registers. Maybe twice a year something goes badly wrong on another road and it knocks on to the IDR, but hey. That's life in a big town.

Was just using the tea barge as an example of the efforts which us proletarians are making to keep up with the designer neighbours. I think if you asked AC he'd tell you that 10.30 is rather early for breakfast of any kind. It's a pretty decent time for brekky in the town that never sleeps! Getting home from the After Dark Club at 3am isn't really conducive to dawn breakfasting.

Last edited by: Alanović on Fri 16 May 14 at 12:14
 Wearing flip-flops..... - swiss tony
>> It's not that I especially like going to Slough, Vić; more that I prefer it
>> for functional stuff because I can get in and out without an IDR to tangle with.

To me, Slough wins hands down.
If only for the fact it is SO much easier to get around.

And as for the In-Direct Route what a horrid road!
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Runfer D'Hills
I always think getting into Slough is a bit like one of those Christmas cracker games where you have a little plastic spiral puzzle with a small ball bearing in it it which you have to negotiate to the hole in the centre. Every false move means you have to start again and eventually you give up due to lack of interest and the realisation that even if you achieve it the end result will be at best anticlimactic.
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Fri 16 May 14 at 21:59
 Wearing flip-flops..... - R.P.
He got convicted today of careless driving - the Judge ruled that his footwear was not a contributory factor and that an uncontrolled sneezing fit caused him to lose control. He was given four points and a £1000.00 fine. He seemed genuinely contrite when interviewed later.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - swiss tony
>> I always think getting into Slough is a bit like one of those Christmas cracker games where you have a little plastic spiral puzzle with a small ball bearing in it it which you have to negotiate to the hole in the centre.

Yeah... I have to agree there.
But... at least you can get from one side to the other without either going straight through the centre, or having to go right outside and making a long detour.
 Wearing flip-flops..... - No FM2R
I used to work up the Farnham Road, live in Langley and go to Slough Dogs. Trouble was that was about 35 years ago.

About 3 years ago when I went to Slough I got lost. That place has changed!
 Wearing flip-flops..... - Alanovich
>> But... at least you can get from one side to the other without either going
>> straight through the centre, or having to go right outside and making a long detour.

Slough doesn't have a ruddy great river through the middle of it with only two crossing points. That's what sometimes naffs up Reading's traffic. It also has better routes across the rail lines than Reading, and only one set of rail lines come to that rather than the multiple junctions we have. Although that is being partly addressed with the Cow Lane bridges replacement. People knock the IDR, but hell's teeth, if we didn't have it things would be 100 times worse.

I've been in Reading 20 years now and drive through it twice a day, living most of that time north of the river. If it was that bad, I'd have oddedsay ffoay.
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