Just inflicted some minor damage to the drivers door of my Polo. (my fault) It's bad enough to need repairing & painting. I'm weighing up options of an insurance repair or deal direct with repairer. I've got maximum NCD (not protected) and wondered how much of this i would lose if i claimed. My insurance company is Privilege, i,m reluctant to contact them at this stage as even letting them know i've had a minor bump may affect future premiums.Been through all their paperwork, can't find anything relating to lossof NCD.
I think generally it's '3 steps back'
What will possibly hurt more is the premium loading for an accident over the next 5 years, take this into account with any excess you have and it might be best to sort it yourself.
Others who know more about it will undoubtedly be along shortly.
sorry to hear of this but its a fact of life, just check whether you have to pay the compulsory fee to affect repairs, and go to some bodyshops that may do the repair cheaper, if you go to your insurance you may probably lose a 3rd or more of your ncd as its not protected.
if I were you I take it the bodyshops first.
Last edited by: sajid on Fri 25 Apr 14 at 12:12
See page 4 of the PDF (page 2 of the book). Potentially NCD is unchanged, but they might increase the premium for having made a claim. Of course you are bound to tell them this info anyway come renewal time.... I'd give chips away or the equivalent a call - they will probably disappear it for less than the excess on the insurance.
Edit timed out....
Read the wrong table - it will go back 2 years, but I can't see what the % are. Possibly 20% of the total premium
Each company varies, but goes something like: -
1yr 30%
2yr 40%
3yr 50%
4yr 60%
5 or more 65%
My opinion based on recent experience of others in our close family over the past couple of years is if there is no other person involved and it's only one panel minor damage just get it done yourself. Assuming you have an average excess just add that to increased premiums for a few years and a self funded repair will save (or at least be no more) plus keeping a clean record.
Last edited by: Fenlander on Fri 25 Apr 14 at 12:34
If you don't want to ring them up and simply ask the question, then ring them up for a quote.
Give details the same as your own, except reg no, exact address and surname, and declare the accident you've just had as if it were 6mths ago.
See what premium they give you.
It would typically step back two years, which is usually 40%. however, there are so many deals and/or complications its not always that clear cut.
Don;t forget, if it steps back 2 years, it will take your premium two years to recover.
Also, don't forget to take into account any excess you have on the policy.
Last edited by: No FM2R on Fri 25 Apr 14 at 12:59
Insurance companies do not react to an incident notification the same. Some up premiums, some don't. Didn't get the insurance on the vintage car upped when I was bumped up the back.
Thanks everyone, i think i'll give the insurance company a miss. Got an estimate from a VW approved repairer who started at £450 to repair & paint, this included £200 of paint but if it went through the insurance he'd fit a new door & re-spray the whole side of the car at £900. Went to an indi' who quoted £250.
Thanks again.
Last edited by: maltrap on Fri 25 Apr 14 at 17:53
Independent bodyshop for something like that, tell them you're paying for it yourself and it will be much cheaper as you've discovered. Look for one with cars similar to yours in age/value under repair.
Same blokes, same workshop, same paint whether it's insurance or private. Don't worry that they might do a poor quality job, they wouldn't stay in business long if they turned out rubbish work.