"nil VED has distorted the car market as it's influence on buying decisions is out of all proportion to VED's contribution to overall running costs"
Exactly as it was intended to! A very cost-effective way for HMG to influence buying decisions when you think about it - they don't even have to take a hit on registration taxes for the sort of car they want us driving, just give a (small) VED perk and penalise the sort of car they don't want us driving with higher VED to compensate and a top-loaded registration tax for the least-preferred sorts of vehicles.
Better again for HMG if people change perfectly good older cars on the promise of lower VED - think of the extra tax income from the buyer, the dealer and the importer or manufacturer.
Edit: when the CO2 card has been well and truly played, NOx emissions (to get us all out of diesels again) and total life cycle pollution (ditto hybrids, with their big battery banks) will be next cash cows...
Last edited by: Gromit on Wed 9 Apr 14 at 15:53