Motoring Discussion > Anyone for a coach tour? Legal Questions
Thread Author: sherlock47 Replies: 6

 Anyone for a coach tour? - sherlock47
Ok, so we have seen the hairy TV shows, but when you have 'real' people filming it, it all seems much more real!

Would Rattle really prefer a coach tour to flying?
 Anyone for a coach tour? - Westpig
Sod wouldn't be for me.
 Anyone for a coach tour? - Haywain
Not as dire as this video, but we did a hairy trip through the Andes a few years ago - I was a bit put off when I looked down and saw the burnt-out carcasses of lorries and buses that had gone over the edge previously. The dodgiest moment was when we stopped for the driver to have a ciggy while a few of the folks photographed some wayside orchids. As we got back onto the minibus, it started rolling backwards down the slope before the driver had chance to get back on board. Fortunately, one of the blokes at the front was able to grab the handbrake and yank it hard.
 Anyone for a coach tour? - Armel Coussine
I don't suffer from vertigo of the virtual sort, about drugs, parking fines and so on. However I do suffer from the real thing. Only to save my life - perhaps not even then - would I drive down that road, or do the walk along rope bridges etc.

 Anyone for a coach tour? - RattleandSmoke
Been on a coach tour to northern Spain as most people will know, I am glad it was nothing like that. Even the Pyrenees was all very safe motorway.

I think the drivers that go onto them sort of roads are mad, the Snake Pass is bad enough!
 Anyone for a coach tour? - Ted

You used to be able to park at the summit of the Woodhead Pass , walk across the road and look down at several rusting chassis of trucks in the river below.

Might be still there for all I know.

Riding down the valley from Kalkstein in Austria, we passed a red Golf parked neatly in the river about 50ft below the road !

 Anyone for a coach tour? - RattleandSmoke
Talking of the woodhead pass reminds me of a hellish experience on a coach back in 2001. We had gone to London with college but the coach was late coming back and then the M1 was shut so for some reason it was diverted around Derbyshire, the coach was a London coach and decided to go to Sheffield to get to Manchester. It went on the Woodhead pass and was driving so fast that at one point the rear wheel clipped the edge of a ditch. The tutors had to shout at the driver to slow down.

Put me off coaches for a long time, but my recent journeys have been nothing but extremely professional.
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