Motoring Discussion > Paul Walker - Irony or What? Miscellaneous
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 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Zero

 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - R.P.
Whoops indeed.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Armel Coussine
There's something about Hollywood stars and Porsches, isn't there? I can't help feeling they'd be better off driving a nice Chevrolet V10 thingy - Corvette is it still? -, more suited to US reflexes and road conditions. Much cheaper and just as quick really.

Walker was personable all right but the F&F movies are a bit formulaic... Two-Lane Blacktop, now that was a car movie...
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - R.P.
Probably some sort of publicity stunt or a tax break thing.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - henry k
Irony? Sure was!

The driver of the car( a Porsche Carerra GT, not a common 911) has been identified as former race car driver.

A 45MPH sign was flattened in the immediate area.

 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Runfer D'Hills
A bright green GT3 passed me the other day.

I "wisnae hingin' aboot" either but it nearly blew my doors off.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Westpig
>> I "wisnae hingin' aboot" either but it nearly blew my doors off.

I was watching the Gumball Rally a while back...(I've gone off it, as some of the driving is just too ridiculous and dangerous) one sequence in the US, there were some chaps in a large old Bentley saloon, filming themselves doing 160mph..the camera was zoomed in on the speedo ..when something exotic went past at a truly awesome rate of knots... so fast you couldn't really make out what it was...what on earth speed was that doing?
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Armel Coussine
>> a large old Bentley saloon, filming themselves doing 160mph..the camera was zoomed in on the speedo ..

What Bentley was that Wp? Certainly can't have been in standard trim or fettle...

I can't stand the Gumball Rally. The cars are all right usually, but the people are 70% unspeakable.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - TheManWithNoName
Oh Gods, this means endless repeats of the stupid films on 5 USA no doubt.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - henry k

Neither US actor Paul Walker or the driver in their fatal car accident were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time of their deaths, a post-mortem examination has found.

Authorities estimate the car was travelling at nearly 100mph (160km/h) at the time of the fatal accident,
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - No FM2R
Not that there is a smart way to die, but that does seem particularly dumb.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Armel Coussine
>> that does seem particularly dumb.

There are no details of the crash, so one doesn't know whether even the driver was being 'dumb'. But being killed in a crash with someone else driving doesn't say anything substantive about the victim's intelligence, does it?

Just dumb bad luck, seems to me.

But there is something fateful about the combination of Porsches, movie stars and California. I am remembering James Dean... I think that one was in California.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - No FM2R
You don't have to be dumb to do dumb stuff.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Lygonos
>>You don't have to be dumb to do dumb stuff.

I bet it helps a lot though...
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - No FM2R
I dunno, I'm not dumb but I have done some seriously dumb stuff in my life.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Armel Coussine
>> I'm not dumb but I have done some seriously dumb stuff in my life.

Heh heh... me too FMR, but it can't be dumb just to take a ride in a Carrera GT unless you know the driver's an idiot.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - No FM2R
To become rich, as a film star, is such an unlikely thing to do given the odds and the amount of people trying, that it would seem he had achieved the unlikely as was probably set for an extremely comfortable life.

Then he and a mate decide to get silly in a Porsche and he loses everything. We've all been daft in a car, or at least I have, but what a lot to lose and what a silly way to lose it.
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Armel Coussine
Well, the mate was doing a ton in a 45mph zone, something he'd presumably done before. But the driver is the one responsible, not the passenger. Walker may have been begging him to back off for all anyone knows.

That Carrera GT is in fact a hell of a machine. Not one I would want though. I'd have a Panamera or 911 if I were in the Porsche-owning class and age group.

I was told today that the Old Bill have started coming down on rich Knightsbridge Ferrari and Lamborghini owners who enjoy getting wheelspin outside Harrods and doing 120 down Sloane Street, and confiscating their cars. Apparently many of these projectiles aren't insured or registered, and are owned by people who (cough) are mostly foreign.

I don't want to encourage the ducks, but there it is...

 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - NortonES2
Diplomatic immunity card?
 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Armel Coussine
Perhaps in some cases NIL, but I don't imagine those are all that easy to get hold of.

What real diplomats do is amass huge numbers of parking tickets. I haven't heard of any being busted for hooning in central London. No doubt it can happen. But it isn't diplomatic behaviour. The governments in some places could summon you home and cut your head off if you embarrassed them.

 Paul Walker - Irony or What? - Armel Coussine
>> Then he and a mate decide to get silly in a Porsche and he loses everything. We've all been daft in a car, or at least I have, but what a lot to lose and what a silly way to lose it.

FMR, two things: being bashed and burned to death in a car crash is just as disastrous, painful and final for a poor failure as it is for a rich and successful actor. I doubt if your last thought would be for the money you won't get to spend, and I doubt if the poor guy would console himself with the thought that he wouldn't be poor any more when he was dead.

The other thing is that however silly the passenger may be, it's the driver's silliness that causes the crash (if that is what causes it). To blame both parties equally for the crash, without knowing a lot more than we have been told, seems a bit, well, silly not to put too fine a point on it. Why do you have such trouble grasping this obvious fact?

Frankly I'm surprised.
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