Without having looked at it, could there be a suggestion of what N_C calls 'gross skidding' whenever someone tries to discuss the handling of this car or that, as if we were all rich geezers with free cars on specially-prepared airfields making black lines and clouds of smoke to amuse the hoi polloi?
There are intermediate stages in this stuff you know N_C.
And I note that you are indulgent towards Humph when he makes it clear that he has altered the manufacturer's recommended balance between front and rear tyre pressures in the manner of a, what was the word, can't remember, but it was intentionally disparaging?
Never thought I'd say it to you, but Tchah! all the same...
Did you ever manage to open my nerdish piece on driverless cars, which I tried to have forwarded to you?
Just looked a it. Yup, that's gross skidding all right.
I couldn't do that without a bit of practice. Even then I might be a bit too slow to manage at my age.
Nothing to do with what we call handling in normal cars though.