I feel a bit of a fraud asking about this as I don't have a motorbike or indeed a bike licence !
However, I am just curious enough to want to know a bit more about off road motorbiking. I've done a fair bit of it over the years in countries where the attitude to such technicalities as licences and access are rather more relaxed than I'd imagine they are here.
I do seem to remember occasionally encountering trailie bikers in Scottish forests when I lived there, but on reflection I don't think I've ever seen any this side of the border when I've been out and about on my mountain bike. I seem to think the Scottish legal attitudes to trespass ( if that's the right word? ) are a bit more easy going than in England and Wales? I guess someone will know ?
Anyway, not that I'm putting up a case in support or condemnation of the rights or wrongs of any of it but I'm just curious to know where one would go in the UK supposing one had an off road bike and wanted to use it off road? Are there specialist facilities etc?
I suppose there's a very small part of what remains of my functioning brain cells which is starting to plan for the day when pedalling up and down mountains under my own steam might start to become a little too challenging !
Maybe such facilities don't exist of course. I seem to remember there being quite a lot of controversy about people "green laning" in 4x4s a while back.
Must first get around to taking a bike test I suppose, that may be fairly fundamental to the development of any future strategy !
Last edited by: Runfer D'Hills on Fri 25 Oct 13 at 12:15