Following Bromps post in "Teenagers" which mentioned observation, I passed through some road works in both directions yesterday. On the second occasion, when on the clear side of the dual carriageway there was a multiple fender bender in the road works.
I will try to post a map, but the road works are (were) immediately after a blind exit from a fast roundabout with big but late (after the roundabout) lane closed signs for the works. when I approached them them there was some rapid braking and a bus obscuring the signs and smug me thought this is going to end in tears before long. The left lane was closed about 50 yds from the roundabout exit, the accident was where the A92 logo is.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 14 Oct 13 at 10:30
Just a bit of context, the field to the North of the A92 has been turned into a huge Park and Ride car park as part of the new Forth Road Bridge complex, the road works are finalising the access roads and should be no surprise to the local residents.
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 14 Oct 13 at 08:24
Also I can't spell "Observation". Are all the pedants still in bed? :-)
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 14 Oct 13 at 08:39
>> Also I can't spell "Observation". Are all the pedants still in bed? :-)
Pouring over the spelling mistakes in the gruaniad, while counting the number of chews for each mouthful of all bran.
There doesn't seem to be many of them around these days.
>> There doesn't seem to be many of them around these days.
I think possibly some of us (me?) came to the conclusion that it was a bit pointless, possibly discourteous and very probably off-putting to newer members of the forum.
I had observed the typo. (Did you see what I did there?)
Agreed. There is, for an example, a Particular Poster who Ought to Know Better but makes exactly the same error over and over, and it sends little shivers of mild annoyance down my spine every time I see it.
But that, I fully understand, is almost entirely my own problem and I can manage, somehow, to get by, browbeaten as I am by grammatical inexactitude.
In the same way as my irritating capital letters in my first sentence will have to be lived with by readers of this post, never mind the three other mistakes.
But no more comments from me on this for fear of thread hijack.
>>There is, for an example, a Particular Poster who Ought to Know Better but
>> makes exactly the same error over and over, and it sends little shivers of mild
>> annoyance down my spine every time I see it.
Perhaps that particular poster is fully aware of his error, but couldn't give a hoot that it might cause annoyance.
>> Perhaps that particular poster is fully aware of his error, but couldn't give a hoot
>> that it might cause annoyance.
Or maybe he thinks it's a quick post on an Internet Forum and not the leading article in the Times?
>> he thinks it's a quick post on an Internet Forum and not the leading article in the Times?
The Times started to have uncorrected typos everywhere when it was modernised by Lord Thomson (or was it Thompson?). These days all the papers have them, and grammatical mistakes, simple spelling mistakes, mathematical howlers and frequent factual errors some of which are really risible... they are all feeling so poor under the electronic onslaught that they can't afford adult, literate sub-editors any longer.
It is fortunate that I regard correcting people's spelling and grammar as discourteous and overbearing except when there's a very good reason for it. If I did it whenever I could nearly everyone here would regard me as a screaming turd, instead of just one or two unfortunates who can't take a bit of satirical ponciness.
Actually if you are more or less literate and do any sort of writing for publication, you get beaten down over time by the ability of virtually all editors to turn perfectly good prose into ugly, meaningless excrement. It's very dispiriting until you remember that you are getting paid (usually).
>> >> he thinks it's a quick post on an Internet Forum and not the leading
>> article in the Times?
>> The Times started to have uncorrected typos everywhere when it was modernised by Lord Thomson
>> (or was it Thompson?). These days all the papers have them, and grammatical mistakes, simple
>> spelling mistakes, mathematical howlers and frequent factual errors some of which are really risible... they
>> are all feeling so poor under the electronic onslaught that they can't afford adult, literate
>> sub-editors any longer.
The Guardian prints a daily list of corrections including a homophone corner for misused sound alikes.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Mon 14 Oct 13 at 19:34
>> The Guardian prints a daily list of corrections including a homophone corner for misused sound alikes
Shutting the stable door Bromptonaut... we still think of it as the Grauniad. But I'd omitted those misused soundalikes from my list of common booboos. My comic has plenty of them. Trouble is they're so silly I can never remember them.
or Perhaps he enjoys Poking the sore spot. Could be the internet version of sticking pins in a doll.
>> >>There is, for an example, a Particular Poster who Ought to Know Better but makes exactly the same error over and over, and it sends little shivers of mild annoyance down my spine every time I see it.
>> Perhaps that particular poster is fully aware of his error, but couldn't give a hoot that it might cause annoyance.
Or maybe..
That poster does it to wind up those who admit to being annoyed ?
>>There is, for an example, a Particular Poster who Ought to Know Better but makes exactly the same error over and over,<<
That'll be me!
Don't think so Pat. The one I have in mind will never use one o in lose as long as two will do the job.
I know he does it on porpoise.
Oh yes there are.....
Don't seem
"Are all the pedants still in bed? :-) "
I'm a pedant but got up at 12.30am to drive up and drop a car in Scotland - came back down past that spot at about 9.30am in a return car! Sorry couldn't spot your spelling mistake - I was busy!!
Last edited by: PhilW on Mon 14 Oct 13 at 19:22
>> Sorry couldn't spot your spelling mistake - I was busy!!
>> P
Spelling mistake indeed! More like a typo. :-)
Indeef mort lije a tupo! ;-)
Years ago I was pretty fluent on an ancient typewriter, in a two-fingered sort of way, but ever since I keep making the same persistant mistake on a keyboard:
I repeatedly type an initial letter in lower case when I mean upper, because the modern shift key has no momentum or weight to it, so slips back down into lower case the instant you release it. An older typewriter stays in upper case for one stroke, enabling faster/lazier typing.
It's so annoying, but I just cannot break the habit of expecting a different key touch.
Last edited by: Cliff Pope on Tue 15 Oct 13 at 08:34
>> Following Bromps post in "Teenagers" which mentioned observation, I passed through some road works in
>> both directions yesterday. On the second occasion, when on the clear side of the dual
>> carriageway there was a multiple fender bender in the road works.
>> I will try to post a map, but the road works are (were) immediately after
>> a blind exit from a fast roundabout with big but late (after the roundabout) lane
>> closed signs for the works. when I approached them them there was some rapid braking
>> and a bus obscuring the signs and smug me thought this is going to end
>> in tears before long. The left lane was closed about 50 yds from the roundabout
>> exit, the accident was where the A92 logo is.
I guess by coning off much higher up the road, they were trying to prevent a queue down onto the M92.
>> I guess by coning off much higher up the road, they were trying to prevent
>> a queue down onto the M92.
Its the M90. :-)
The roundabout is light controlled and as this is a civilised area to live there is unlikely to be any queues at this point, even a busy times. As my London based BiL says "If you see six cars at once you think you have a traffic jam". A slight exaggeration, but with a hint of truth. :-)
This may change when the P&R opens and the new bridge road links works start to disrupt the traffic flow. :-(
Last edited by: Old Navy on Mon 14 Oct 13 at 08:59