Motoring Discussion > Near miss this morning Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Alanovich Replies: 11

 Near miss this morning - Alanovich
Squeaky bum moment this morning. Trundling along a suburban road, near the edge of town, the kind lined by detached houses with driveways, but quite a busy road. 30mph limit obviously, and I was trundling along at the limit. I saw a silver Altea poke its nose out of a driveway on to the pavement a few yards ahead on my left, and immediately covered the brakes.

Dead straight road, perfect conditions, Altea emerging from the brick walled driveway on the left:

I saw the driver glance my way, then his head bobbed down towards his lap as he pulled out in to the road, and stopped halfway across my lane. I, of course, stood on the brakes now, the ABS started its thing but I couldn't go round him as there was traffic on the other side of the road. Came to a halt a few feet away from the Altea, and prayed that the car behind wasn't too close. No bang from behind, we're OK.

The Altea driver then looks up at me, does a double take and raises a hand in apology, then drives off, turning right. No sign of an indicator from him at any juncture of this tale.

I suspect he was texting. Obviously a way too busy and important person to finish the text before setting off. I know the house as I pass that way most days, I've half a mind to go round there after work and have a word.
 Near miss this morning - AnotherJohnH
I expect he won't do it in front of a 42 tonner, not twice anyway.
 Near miss this morning - R.P.
He'd do it in front of a bike though.
 Near miss this morning - corax
>> He'd do it in front of a bike though.
I've needed to change my habits when joining an A road from the B road near to where I live. It joins from an angle, so you have to virtually look through the rear side window to check for traffic. The sun rises in this direction, and I leave early for work. There is a large hedge on the other side of the road. Couple this with me still half asleep, and I have had a few near misses from motorbikes and bikes in particular. On one occasion I pulled out and heard a beep behind me. I had seen the light coming towards me and thought it was a bicycle, but no, a motorbike. I misjudged his speed. The headlight was weak and he had no hi viz.

I also nearly took out a bicycle that had no lights on and dark clothing. Against the hedge backdrop, and me being tired with only a quick glance, it was a close call.

I have a GOOD look now :)
 Near miss this morning - Meldrew
Put a Specsavers flyer thru his letterbox
 Near miss this morning - L'escargot

"If the new fence or wall borders or adjoins a public highway used for vehicles you may need planning permission if it is higher than 1 metre"

I wonder if the owner of the wall got planning permission.
 Near miss this morning - SteelSpark
I had one last night, not from a driveway, but from a side street. She pulled out from a street on my left, with the intention of turning right.

I had to brake fairly sharpish and could clearly see her looking down at her phone, as she sailed across me.

I do strongly believe that people shouldn't text when driving, but I know others disagree.

Who, though, texts rather than looking when pulling out into a main road?
 Near miss this morning - Dog
What time of the morning was it vić, and what colour is your car Renault.

Just asking.
 Near miss this morning - Alanovich
About 8.45, dark blue car. Who is it on here who insists on buying brightly coloured cars? They may be on to something. I didn't spot a silver/grey Toyota when negotiating a crossroads during the murky misty mornings of last winter, and very nearly caused an accident. I wasn't texting, mind.
 Near miss this morning - Dog
I had a senior moment in Truro on Monday morning entering a roundabout (in all that rain)

I clearly didn't see a dark (ish) blue car that I should have given way to, no problem in the Subaru though as I just hit the loud pedal ... wifey made funny noises though!

 Near miss this morning - Zero
Complete rubbish, Altea drivers never, NEVER - *NEVER* YOU HEAR, enter main roads without giving way.


You are telling porkies comrade.
 Near miss this morning - WillDeBeest
One thing I like about the new cars with DRLs is that they prevent an inconspicuously coloured car, as most these days are, from disappearing altogether. My regular run includes two long 'tree tunnels' that on a bright day are very gloomy indeed. A car in Me-Too Black with no lights on can be close to invisible; headlights seem like overkill but that's what I use; DRLs are an excellent, idiot-proof compromise.
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