Motoring Discussion > Weekend Maintenance Miscellaneous
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 Weekend Maintenance - ....
Nothing on the scale of DPs overhaul, I've a couple of jobs to fettle this weekend ready for our mini road trip south later in the month.

Boost control valve coming off for a filter clean. The top screw looks like it has been hacked previously and looks like it's made from cheese (Torx 30). Two new screws ordered, rubber band ready for initial assault and dremel on standby if a flat blade slot is required to get it out. Bottom screw will come out so just need to get the tension off the top screw to get the boost control valve loose then can use pliers or whatever is required to get the top screw out.

Aircon needs a top up. I came out of work today, 40C on the display, OBDII reporting air intake at 39C, took around 5 miles to get the interior down to 22C and the fan to retire from full on boost. First time 22C has felt icy cold in comparison with the ambient temp. Man it was hot today.

What are you up to this weekend maintenance wise ?
 Weekend Maintenance - MD
Servicing the Missus.
 Weekend Maintenance - ....
Yours or mine?
You're probably nearer than I am to my missus hence why I have the time for some mechanical TLC.

I might even get the CBR600 fired up if I can find out if the coil or leads are the problem. Fact is the battery is not holding charge so ruled out the rectifier as it's not even firing. Just draining the battery after 10 seconds.

P.S. No I'm not Australian before anyone asks.
Last edited by: gmac on Fri 2 Aug 13 at 21:49
 Weekend Maintenance - Ted

I'm gonna put the Astra sport on charge so I can put it in next door's drive while they're away for 2 weeks. Will put a for sale sign in it to catch the passing trade. It's gotta go !

A few jobs and cleaning to do on the caravan before we have a trip out in it. Then the FJS600 needs a polish...Mr Sheen will cope with all that. Me pal wanted me to go for a run out on Sunday but now I've found that eldest daughter's partner needs a non-working indicator sorting on their camping trailer before Monday. I'll break the news when he and his SWM come for a meal on Saturday. I'll be finishing the weeding when I've time.....the flagstones have been looking very rural recently. Not a bad job in the Sun, though. A rug to sit on, scraper, brush, radio and a bottle of iced water and off we go !

If I've time, I'll take the EVO7 for a blast.

Daughter's leaving her Puma with me to take to the bodyshop on Monday to get the rear wheel arches fettled. Back home on train and tram.

 Weekend Maintenance - ....
You could have offered! I pulled and re-layed a drive last weekend to get rid of the weeds...
Got back here on Tuesday to start again...

Hope you enjoyed your blast.

I'm off down to the 'Ring tomorrow for that Think I might go fast and take the Gixxer...
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 3 Aug 13 at 16:19
 Weekend Maintenance - Ted

While the soil was still damp after the rain, I dribbled sodium chlorate into the gaps where I'd weeded.

I'll have to keep an eye on it now. Still a fair bit to do. Now, if I could get the test match on Radio 3 like in the old days.......

 Weekend Maintenance - ....
I'm still going to the Nürburgring tomorrow and you're not invited (thanks for the gardening tips though !)

If anyone,and I mean it, anyone here fancies a blast to the 'Ring - (it's OK Lancer drivers I'll take the Gixxer if you fancy a bit of speed) let me know through the mods.

Numbers will be limited.
 Weekend Maintenance - ....
Ted, Have you heard of t'internet ?

We can even get t'Radio 3 at t'Ring !!!

I'll do a deal with you, free accommodation if you get Rattle's Panda to the 'Ring and I drive 1 lap in it !!!

DP get's to record it in the passenger seat. 2nd lap Rattle in the passenger seat, Zero driving and I'll follow on the bike to record.

DP brings the Alfa and RP brings any of his two wheeled tractors or his proper bike.

Pat can take care of the catering ;-) second thoughts any V12 diesels available Pat and Humph can cook mountain bike tofu :-) ?

Sorry don't mean to exclude anyone, it could be a laugh, if anyone has any ideas ?
 Weekend Maintenance - bathtub tom
>>Sorry don't mean to exclude anyone, it could be a laugh, if anyone has any ideas ?

Think I've still got the contact details of the people that bought my Kia Pride.
 Weekend Maintenance - ....
More the merrier, I've seen camper vans on "the track"
 Weekend Maintenance - Ted
>> Ted, Have you heard of t'internet ?
>> We can even get t'Radio 3 at t'Ring !!!

I can get R3 OK but the cricket ain't on it anymore. I can listen to it on the interweb....but not down the drive as my PC is upstairs.

The commentaterry is on BBC Radio 5 live extra and our ickle portables won't get it. Grrr

 Weekend Maintenance - sherlock47
No 'Long wave' ?

R4L on 198kHz 1500meters in old speak still carries the cricket
 Weekend Maintenance - Ted

Used to listen on LW 1500 but, alas, no LW now after demise of the very old set that had it.

 Weekend Maintenance - Harleyman
>> Used to listen on LW 1500 but, alas, no LW now after demise of the
>> very old set that had it.
>> Ted

Ted you can still get small portables that do LW. Usually the cheaper they are the more chance of them having it.

I normally have 5LXtra on in the garage, though it can be annoying when the signal's poor and it sounds like Aggers is drowning.
 Weekend Maintenance - Bromptonaut
>> Used to listen on LW 1500 but, alas, no LW now after demise of the
>> very old set that had it.
>> Ted

The range of the 198mhz signal at night is incredible. Been able to listen to World Tonight for last week or so in small town between Carcasonne and Perpignan.

Further up Pyrennees now towards Tarbes. Will be interesting to see if it's audible here too. Short wave World Service for Africa and Mid East also useable if you're prepared to jump around between frequencies. Then there's another BBC programme on 6005 khz from 05:00Z

 Weekend Maintenance - Kevin
>The range of the 198mhz signal at night is incredible.

198kHz Bromp. 198MHz is VHF territory.
 Weekend Maintenance - Zero
he was a million miles out.
 Weekend Maintenance - Kevin
> he was a million miles out.

Good job he doesn't work in the Treasury then ;-)
 Weekend Maintenance - Zero
>> > he was a million miles out.
>> Good job he doesn't work in the Treasury then ;-)

He taught your mate Gollum all he knew.
 Weekend Maintenance - sherlock47
>> Used to listen on LW 1500 but, alas, no LW now after demise of the
>> very old set that had it.
>> Ted

Are you sure that your car radio does not get it? Many modern digital display radios can tune to that frequency but do not explicitly refer to it as LW.
 Weekend Maintenance - L'escargot
>> No 'Long wave' ?

Nope. Can't get Hilversum any more.
 Weekend Maintenance - DP

>> Sorry don't mean to exclude anyone, it could be a laugh, if anyone has any
>> ideas ?

Now THAT sounds like a plan. :-) Might just need a whip-round for fuel to get the Alfa past the Tunnel :-)
 Weekend Maintenance - ....
You're the only one so far DP.
Rattle's gone quiet, I would have thought if he could pick up AC that would be a road trip in itself.
Happy to help out with petrol and or accommodation. What weight is the Alfa? Would it be worth throwing on a trailer and hauling over ?
Last edited by: gmac on Sun 4 Aug 13 at 19:10
 Weekend Maintenance - bathtub tom
>>Ted. You could have offered! I pulled and re-layed a drive last weekend to get rid of the weeds...
Got back here on Tuesday to start again...

I gave mine a good going over with one of these earlier this year and then spread a good few Kilos of sand with a couple of Kilos of salt mixed in. I think the storms flushed the salt away.

I'm going down the chemical route in future.
Last edited by: VxFan on Sat 3 Aug 13 at 20:41
 Weekend Maintenance - Dave_
>> air intake at 39C, took around 5 miles to get the interior down to 22C and the fan to retire from full on boost

We were the only car with windows closed exiting Alton Towers carpark last night. 2 minutes to gain a comfortable interior temp (18C) with outside gauge showing 34C, mind you most of the other traffic consisted of tattooed blokes hanging their arms out of their Y reg Astras.
 Weekend Maintenance - ....
Guilty as charged, no tats, no Griffin.

You're just showing off your car is newer than my 54 plate :-( Next thing I know is Humph will be telling me how fantastic a 1906 tin lizzy is.
 Weekend Maintenance - Bromptonaut
Usual pre drive checks - oil, coolant screenwash etc ahead of tomorrow's site change.

'ligo's coolant is always just over min. I can top it up but it'll just go back to natural level. Even up Ventoux or Pyrenean passes in 40 plus OAT it sits between 85 an 95 on temp gauge.
 Weekend Maintenance - L'escargot
My weekend car maintenance is check tyre pressures, coolant, brake fluid, and screenwash fluid, and the tension of a rubber belt.
 Weekend Maintenance - Zero

>> the tension of a rubber belt.

yeah dont want your nickers falling down do we.
 Weekend Maintenance - L'escargot
>> >> the tension of a rubber belt.
>> yeah dont want your nickers falling down do we.

At weekends I go commando.
 Weekend Maintenance - Harleyman
Finish fettling oldest Harley ready for trip to Holland next week.

The usual greasing, tweaking, tapping, poking and peeping that comes with the territory, but with a slightly greater sense of purpose and adventure than normal.
 Weekend Maintenance - -
Off to my MB indy in a mo, starter inhibitor switch has called it a day i think, i've hot wired a second lead onto the solenoid and touching that to the live gets the old girl going which thankfully rules out the starter.

Its probably the inhibitor or a broken connection en route, could be ignition switch i s'pose.

Then off out to meet daughter for lunch at Ridgmont Beds (hopefully that nice pub is still there) mid point between our homes.

As a slight aside investing heavily in the old MB this year, head gasket timing chain oil cooler water pump already done, its going in to have the rear subframe front chassis mounts replaced (advisories so far) and thoroughly strengthened and whilst under they are having the plastic sill covers etc off and going to go through it underbody and anything suspect is going to get rebuilt/replaced...then its off to my tame bodyman for touch ups as and where necessary, then i'm going to the classic car rustproofers at Doncaster for a full rustproofing.
Then going to look forlornly at the bank statement and wonder if should have replaced with a newer car...nah.

What a coincidence, that starter inhibiter failed on the old MB yesterdays morning at 3.30am!!, DiL dropped off the grandaughter at 7.45am and the battery died on their CRV on the drive...two otherwise very reliable cars refusing to start on the same morning and both on our drive, so no spare car at our gaff, taxi got her to the station with less than a minute to spare very important meeting for her that morning, what a palarva.

Son popped round in the afternoon used the jump pack and sure enough the CRV fired straight up, he was on his way down to Halfords when he phoned me..soon diverted him to my good local factor before he paid through the nose, where Yuasa 680cca battery on the shelf.
 Weekend Maintenance - bathtub tom
>>Then off out to meet daughter for lunch at Ridgmont Beds

Rose and crown?
 Weekend Maintenance - -
>> Rose and crown?

Thats the one Tom...haven't been there for probably 7 years is it still OK?
 Weekend Maintenance - bathtub tom
>> >> Rose and crown?
>> >>
>> Thats the one Tom...haven't been there for probably 7 years is it still OK?

Dunno, haven't been there for years myself. I tend not to drive to pubs nowadays, there's too much temptation to have a drink.

Pubs seem to change hands so often nowadays, what was once a good place can rapidly deteriorate, even under the same management.
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
You'll see one of the few forehead slapping bits of MB design if it's the inhibitor switch. The switch is placed directly beneath the air conditioning condensate drain pipe - doh!

Doddle to change though.

If your W124 has the factory fit alarm, then there's also a relay under the passenger side toeboard which can lock out the starter.

 Weekend Maintenance - -

Rose and Crown has indeed changed hands, now seems to be owned or run by a pleasant couple from Eastern Europe, still a nice little pub though and the salads we had for lunch whilst not cheap were enjoyable and decently proportioned, no complaints and we shall meet up there again.
Ridgmont was really quiet, that new road has taken all the traffic away.


No aircon on my old girl so shouldn't get that problem with inhibitor switch.

However and i don't quite know how to admit this, talk about forehead slapping..

If you get a good sparky you know well to fit a hidden switch to cut the starter circuit out about 8 years ago, its probably as well if you don't forget you had it fitted!
I gave her a good hoovering on the Thursday afternoon and a quick carpet clean, must have inadvertantly flicked the blessed switch over and completely forgot about it being on the car.

My indy who does see the funny side of it confirms this as an excellent anti theft device..:-)

I'm definately losing the plot.
 Weekend Maintenance - ....
Haha gb. I shouldn't laugh, that will be me in a year or two with passwords.

I meant to ask earlier why are you not using RustMaster for the undersealing this time around ?
Last edited by: gmac on Sat 3 Aug 13 at 17:37
 Weekend Maintenance - -
>> I meant to ask earlier why are you not using RustMaster for the undersealing this
>> time around ?

I might well do, but when i was researching rustproofing the Doncaster place seemed to be more of a classic car specialist and i found several recommends, so thought i might give them a go.

Not decided for sure who to use yet, will contact them both when the time is right and see how they are placed...Harpenden would indeed be handy for meeting up with daughter for long lunch whilst the job is being done.

Yes my memory lapse was rather funny, but you can imagine my ''oh no'' embarassment when he phoned me and mentioned a certain switch when the penny dropped..;)
 Weekend Maintenance - ....
>> I might well do, but when i was researching rustproofing the Doncaster place seemed to
>> be more of a classic car specialist and i found several recommends, so thought i
>> might give them a go.
Ah ! OK. I thought maybe you'd found something. I've been underneath mine and still looks fresh, my car was done at the end of March up near Manchester.

They invited me back next Spring/Summer for a check up.
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
>>However and i don't quite know how to admit this

He he.

Perhaps, as confession is good for the soul, I should own up to some my less "sharp" moments - however, space and bandwidth doesn't really permit...

 Weekend Maintenance - VxFan
>> My weekend car maintenance is check tyre pressures,

I check mine occasionally, but from years of experience a glance at each tyre is enough to see if they require any air or not.

>> coolant, brake fluid, and screenwash fluid

The cars check control tells me if any fluids require topping up. I might open the bonnet occasionally to see if the engine is any dustier than it was previously.

>> the tension of a rubber belt.

All my belts have auto tensioners. Checking isn't necessary.

And this is on a 7 yr old car. I'd have thought your new car would have had the same, if not more self check functions.
 Weekend Maintenance - L'escargot
>> And this is on a 7 yr old car. I'd have thought your new car
>> would have had the same, if not more self check functions.

Shortly after I got the car a message on the dash told me there was a problem with the tyre pressures. In point of fact, there was no problem with the tyre pressures but the system which decided there was a problem needed resetting. I'd sooner carry out my own checks.
 Weekend Maintenance - VxFan
>> the system which decided there was a problem needed resetting.

Sounds like an issue to me.
 Weekend Maintenance - Dog
>>Weekend Maintenance

I might wash the car, but then again, I might not.

 Weekend Maintenance - R.P.
Possibly just some checking. The BMW and the Volvo were washed and checked last weekend - do the tyres on the bike, the Fiesta gets on with it. All seems fine. May check it later - 18 tyres to check in this household + two spares.
 Weekend Maintenance - Dog
>>18 tyres to check in this household + two spares

You must be tyred out after that lot Pugley.

 Weekend Maintenance - R.P.
+ the four X1 winters I still have :-(
 Weekend Maintenance - devonite
I miss the olde Week-end maintenance sometimes! - adjusting Tappets, setting points, changing Dynamo brushes, and yes, even that one screw that wouldn't undo! there was always one! - modern cars make it boring!
 Weekend Maintenance - Dog
>>I miss the olde Week-end maintenance sometimes! - adjusting Tappets, setting points

Don't forget to top up the SU carb with SAE 20 (or 3-in-1 if you are that un-enlightened)
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
After passing the MOT on Thursday, I've taken the head off our 1991 Audi. With routine coolant loss, and for a few months I've been chasing small water leaks which have been spring up, and then, it began to miss on one cylinder for a few seconds after start up.

As per the aluminium welding question, the head is corroded, and in one place the water passage has encroached to and across the firing ring of the gasket.

However, I've found a source for a new head, and that's on its way, so, I won't need to bodge. My weekend will be spent in stripping down the old head, and deciding what to clean up, and what to renew.

Quite old fashoined work really. The only slightly modern aspect will be to clean up the K jetronic injectors and see if I can make them behave again. I need to find a good way of getting some carb cleaner right into them.

As a matter of passing interest, the Audi has about 105 k on the clock, and you can still see the machining marks in the cylinder bores.
 Weekend Maintenance - AnotherJohnH
>> has about 105 k on the clock, and you can still see the machining marks in the cylinder bores.

Aren't those marks the method for getting lubrication to the faces of the rings?
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
Very much so, yes.

The honing process should give a surface which is characterised by plateaux with the criss-cross honing lines providing a distribution of oil along the path swept by the rings.

It's just rather susprising to see that they are still there to see instead of being worn away and replaced by wear lines running along the axis of the cylinder.
 Weekend Maintenance - Dog
>>The only slightly modern aspect will be to clean up the K jetronic injectors and see if I can make them behave again.

Why not wait until it's all up 'n running then bung some Forte or STP fuel system cleaner in the tank.

I used to get amazing results from using STP fuel injector cleaner.
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
>>I used to get amazing results from using STP fuel injector cleaner.

Very interesting - thank you.

I see if I can use it directly on the injectors - I'm a bit wary of moving or dislodging 22 years of crud from the rest of the fuel system.
Last edited by: Number_Cruncher on Sat 3 Aug 13 at 14:39
 Weekend Maintenance - Dog
Hehe! - hows about this then: (YouTube)
 Weekend Maintenance - Zero
I need to get the bugs off the off the front, I've seen less flies on Kangaroo Sheet.

Part from that, it'll need nothing int he way of work till the next service in 9k miles.
 Weekend Maintenance - bathtub tom
>>I need to get the bugs off the off the front

Driving through those thunderstorms last Saturday (40MPH up the M1) got rid of mine, the rest of the car was a lot cleaner too. Think the free samples of MER polish and wax helped.
 Weekend Maintenance - MJW1994
Cleaned the Scenic thoroughly inside and out. Like new again! Was a bit muddy and sandy inside from recent trips to the coast. Swimming and tennis tomorrow as I look after cousin's two kids ages 10 and 13. Are they once or twice removed?
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
>>hows about this then

Excellent! I wonder if a can of carb cleaner has enough pressure to crack open a K Jetronic injector? What fun!

 Weekend Maintenance - Dog
Worth a try N/C, I reckon it'll work but, it has to be STP!
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
>>I reckon it'll work

Wynns carb cleaner cracked them open and revealed a range of fairly manky spray patterns - the plastic tube was a perfect fit in the injector end.

The nozzles are currently marinating in a pot of injector cleaner - I'll try them again tomorrow with the carb cleaner and see if the spray is better and the dribbling reduced.
 Weekend Maintenance - Zero
I would have thought you had access to a ultrasonic bath.
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
>>I would have thought you had access to a ultrasonic bath.

When I worked at a "proper" university I had access to quite a few. Although we doubtlessly have some at the polyversity, gaining access to them is just not worth the aggro!
 Weekend Maintenance - Dog
I dare say the STP carb cleaner available today bares little relationship to the product I used from 1978-92 ...
thanks to H&S!
 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
After a good long soak in STP fuel system cleaner, the clear liquid isn't clear anymore!, the spray pattern with carb cleaner is much improved, nice chatter/buzzing, and a sharp cut-off - result! Thanks for the recommendation Dog!
 Weekend Maintenance - Dog
You're welcome friend, glad to hear STP still cuts the mustard :)
 Weekend Maintenance - Pat
Can I volunteer as your labourer/grease monkey/Girl Friday NC?

That would be my perfect weekend.

 Weekend Maintenance - Number_Cruncher
Sorry Pat!,

Number_Nipper (5) already has the job. He's doing well, and is beginning to learn which tool goes where in the toolbox, and which way to loosen and tighten bolts.

When the new head arrives, I'll get him lapping the new valves in. That used to be my job in my dad's workshop when I was his age! I know how the conversation will go...

N_N "Is this one done yet daddy?"

N_C "No, not yet, it needs a bit more"

a few seconds elapse

N_N "Is this one done yet daddy?"

etc, etc
 Weekend Maintenance - Zero
yes I was trained as an 8 year old valve lapper.

Twist twist - lift, drop Twist twist - lift, drop.
 Weekend Maintenance - -
I used to have an attachment for the electric drill that oscillated back and forth, made much easier work of valve lapping.

Are they still made? if so might be worth the investement for Number Nippers future car work.
 Weekend Maintenance - Zero
why not just stick the handle of the valve lapping tool in the drill chuck?
 Weekend Maintenance - Pat
Been there and done that!

I used to serve petrol on the forecourt in between though and I got 10p and hour more for donning my boiler suit when the garage was busy and needed me to do the mucky jobs:)

Happy, happy days!

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