Motoring Discussion > Hunt vs Lauda Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 36

 Hunt vs Lauda - Zero
The awful BBC has come up with more rubbish, I really suggest you don't bother.

( is the sarcasm heavy enough? )

James Hunt has never been equalled. Could swashbuckling Hunt catch the scientific Lauda? Could Niki overcome an appalling crash to come back from the dead and fight James all the way to the last race of the season?

This powerful story captures the heart of the 1970s - told through unseen footage and exclusive interviews with the people who were really there - the team managers, families, journalists and friends who were in the front row of the season that changed Formula 1 forever.
 Hunt vs Lauda - corax
I watched it and enjoyed it. At the end it said that James Hunt died at 45, but they didn't say how. So how?
 Hunt vs Lauda - Robin O'Reliant
>> I watched it and enjoyed it. At the end it said that James Hunt died
>> at 45, but they didn't say how. So how?

 Hunt vs Lauda - Lygonos
Too much sex for breakfast: heart attack.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Zero
>> Too much sex for breakfast:

and fags.
 Hunt vs Lauda - corax
>> Cancer


>> Too much sex for breakfast: heart attack

I could believe that too.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Lygonos
It was a heart attack, Corax.
 Hunt vs Lauda - corax
>> It was a heart attack, Corax.

So it was.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Lygonos
R4 did a "Hunt/Lauda" 30min show, narrated by VB-H a month or two back - was an excellent listen but presumably not retrievable now.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Lygonos
Also Ritchie from Happy Days is bringing out a movie this year called "Rush" which is about Hunt vs Lauda in 1976 apparently.
 Hunt vs Lauda - R.P.
That's one film that'll be a must see - Didn't he drive for a privateer - Lord Hesketh ? He later went on to launch a British made bike - the Hesketh 1000 - too expensive for the average punter, so it died a death.....well that's what I thought, since learnt that Hesketh V1000 production finishes this year with the last hand-made bike being painted in James Hunt's racing colours - I just love that idea. They clearly kept the flame of the great British motorcycle burning...
 Hunt vs Lauda - Armel Coussine
Hunt was a sympathetic figure. His personal motor was an A35 van.

My eldest daughter, now 45, when a (semi-posh, Knightsbridge) schoolgirl was picked up along with her then best friend by James Hunt, I can't remember where. When I reacted with some alarm to this news at the time, she assured me that he had behaved well having realised they were a bit on the young side.

She was here today. The Hunt thing occurred at a music event conceivably. If I remember I'll ask her.

Niki Lauda was the other very talented racer at the time. Motor racing was still quite dangerous in those days.
Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Mon 15 Jul 13 at 00:19
 Hunt vs Lauda - Ian (Cape Town)
A friend of mine used to ski with him - said he was a nutter on the slopes, taking massive chances - but very quick.

RUSH - the new film - looks very good, from the trailers I've seen. The use of CGA obviously helps.

My favourite Hunt story - maybe apocryphal - is about some bloke being given a guided tour of the McLaren pit by the mechanics, while Hunt was being given a 'guided tour' of his girlfriend in an ambulance parked nearby.

 Hunt vs Lauda - Armel Coussine
>> I can't remember where.

On a beach in Spain, I now remember. They said he bought them ice cream and settled for a chat. I doubt if he was starved for adult female company.

The Hesketh team must have been the last of its kind, after its time really, almost pre-war in its mode of organization. Even by the sixties 'gentleman amateurs' simply lacked the financial muscle to keep going in a sport becoming more money-hungry and commerce-led by the minute.

Last edited by: Armel Coussine on Mon 15 Jul 13 at 13:55
 Hunt vs Lauda - TeeCee
>> Didn't he drive for a privateer - Lord Hesketh ?

That's right. Hesketh were unsponsored for much of that time and the car raced in plain white. Hunt's overalls also lacked the usual profusion of sponsorship patches.

This led to the memorable interview after a success (was it the first podium or the win at the '75 Dutch GP??), in which the camera wobbles around furiously as its operator struggles to avoid getting the "Sex. The breakfast of champions." patch on Hunt's chest in shot.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Dog
Brilliant! - thanks for posting, I think Lauda should have gorn on with that last race, especially as the conditions improved but, I more-than understand his decision not to.

I always assumed Lauda was a Dutchman and wondered how come he spoke German so well.

 Hunt vs Lauda - helicopter
This cartoon made me laugh ......

Do not use the link if easily offended by bad language ............
 Hunt vs Lauda - Zero
That joke is old, this comment on it, and the attempts to explain it are funnier

mrarroyo said:
Don't get it. Must be british sense of humor.

 Hunt vs Lauda - Zero
>> Brilliant! - thanks for posting, I think Lauda should have gorn on with that last
>> race, especially as the conditions improved but, I more-than understand his decision not to.

Enzo Ferrari didn't. Never spole to Lauda again after that race.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Dog
I think The Rat was very brave (or very stupid) to attempt to compete in the Japanese GP, considering he had had reconstructive surgery on his eye lids causing his eyes to water excessively due to his damaged tear ducts, but then, particularly back in those days, one had to be a tad mad to compete in F1.

Great stuff though, I haven't watched F1 for many decades - I'll wager that H&S has scuppered much of the gore glory.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Zero
>> I think The Rat was very brave (or very stupid) to attempt to compete in
>> the Japanese GP, considering he had had reconstructive surgery on his eye lids causing his
>> eyes to water excessively due to his damaged tear ducts, but then, particularly back in
>> those days, one had to be a tad mad to compete in F1.

Enzo hated him because he came back and failed to win, when they could have got another driver in to do the job in what was a very good car. Bottling out of the last race was the final insult.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Dog
>>Bottling out of the last race was the final insult.

That's the exact word I had in mind when I was watching the prog - he bottled out, understandable perhaps, but he still bottled out all the same.

Gouda (Dutch, see!) was in deep doodahs and contemplated suicide before Enzo took im on, allowing him to pay orf his many debts, so it's understandable really that he (Enzo) was a trifle miffed about the Jap F1 escapade.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Armel Coussine
>> Enzo hated him because he came back and failed to win, when they could have got another driver in to do the job in what was a very good car. Bottling out of the last race was the final insult.

Yeah, well, we all loved Enzo Ferrari for obvious reasons but the truth is that he was a harsh and unloveable character, more or less indifferent to the fate of his drivers. Personally I wouldn't describe Lauda's defection as 'bottling out'. More a question of suddenly realising that there were more important things in life than winning for Ferrari. You can't really blame the Commendatore for being annoyed, but these things happen. Life is often untidy.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Dog
>>we all loved Enzo Ferrari for obvious reasons but the truth is that he was a harsh and unloveable character

Harsh and unlovable maybe, but one-of life's winners none the same, you often find that ruthless determination with many high achievers.

>> I wouldn't describe Lauda's defection as 'bottling out'. More a question of suddenly realising that there were more important things in life than winning for Ferrari

In other words, he bottled out :)

 Hunt vs Lauda - Armel Coussine
>> In other words, he bottled out :)

All right, if you like Perro. But anyone in their right mind might easily have done the same in his situation. Bottle is only one of the things you need for driving on the edge. Perhaps Lauda felt he had lost one of the other essentials.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Dog
Si Sire, I'm not trying to take anything away from the man, or deny his many great achievements in the world of motor racing, in fact he went on to win a couple of GP's after the Jap GP, whereas the Shunt retired from 'the game' in 79.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Manatee
>> Si Sire, I'm not trying to take anything away from the man, or deny his
>> many great achievements in the world of motor racing, in fact he went on to
>> win a couple of GP's after the Jap GP

A bit better than that. He won another two drivers' championships, in 77 and 84, with a two year lay off in between.

Lauda's bottle was never in doubt, to my mind; any more than Hunt's was. Especially after the Nurburgring crash.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Manatee
The repeat is tomorrow (Tuesday) on BBC2 23.20 for anybody who wants an enduring recording.
 Hunt vs Lauda - helicopter
Hunt told Lauda apparently that the fire had improved his looks....
 Hunt vs Lauda - MD
Many years ago a mate went to a New years do swathed in bandages from head to toe with just his eyes nose and drinking orifice showing. We laughed anyway especially when the call of nature came. He hadn't factored that in.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Ian (Cape Town)
Holy Thread Revival, Batman!

For those who are interested, I see that the Rush movie is now available on various sites.

Just sayin'...
 Hunt vs Lauda - Robin O'Reliant
ITV4 had a fifteen minute programme last night on classic motor sport. They showed Hunt taking the title in Japan and what stood out was the start in heavy rain that probably would have delayed to race today or had it started behind the safety car, the lack of run off areas on the bends and the length of time it took Hunt's mechanics to do a wheel change. Different world.

They also showed Barry Sheene winning a World Superbike race and on those skinny tyres the bikes looked almost upright on corners compared to the lean angles they achieve today.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Zero

>> They also showed Barry Sheene winning a World Superbike race and on those skinny tyres
>> the bikes looked almost upright on corners compared to the lean angles they achieve today.

Maybe, but they still fall off just as often, and it still hurts - A lot.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Robin O'Reliant
>> Maybe, but they still fall off just as often, and it still hurts - A
>> lot.

What would now be a fairly gentle slide down the road could hurt a lot more back then. Thin leathers, no armour or back protectors and solid obstructions just feet from the track edge made every crash potentially life threatening. On the clip shown there was snow piled up at the edge of the track on some sections.
 Hunt vs Lauda - R.P.
I'm in one piece thanks to race developed tech - there were minor abrasions on my clothing (textile jacket and leather pants and boots) all of which were/are top notch - saved me from gravel rash.
 Hunt vs Lauda - Zero
>> I'm in one piece thanks to race developed tech - there were minor abrasions on
>> my clothing (textile jacket and leather pants and boots) all of which were/are top notch
>> - saved me from gravel rash.

Didnt know they did scooter racing. Reinforced parka was it?
 Hunt vs Lauda - R.P.
I saw it too - the one where that Porsche flipped into public areas.....:-0
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