Yes DP, and don't take things so personally, its almost as annoying i expect for pensioners, many of whom worked themselves into early graves and who's bodies are battered and ruined if they're still alive, to be told they're doing too well.
So you're chasing a 60 hour week and getting paid for 37.5, sounds like you need a union, oh hang on a minute they want an unlimited supply of workers to come into the country too as does the party that front them, NuLab, not as the present regime is any better.
The constantly increasing supply of cheap workers might not threathen your present job, but they cause others to seek alternative employment if they can get a job at all which may well be where many of the 500 are at.
Well done for being reliable and not taking advantage of the sickie scheme, no i mean that its getting increasiongly rare.
I've had my eyes opened a fair bit recently, see in my poor common or garden job i never ever received full sick pay nor did my peers and sickies were unheard of if we could walk we went to work, but in my new job everyone on the company is full salaried.
Amazing just what an ill bunch some of them are, can't beat a bit of full pay to aid the onslaught of one of many forms of illness.
Just for the record i've been at work for over 40 years and i've never taken a days sick nor failed to turn up for work yet, my dad would turn in his grave if i did.
I did however have a total of 8 working days out of work in 1981 when i got made redundant twice within 3 months, i got £14 out of the system, no doubt that will come back to haunt me at some point.
So inflation has increased the cost of houses.
I bought my first house for just under £10k, but on a wage average £90 a week which at the time was good top line but for an average 70 hour week including overtime, wages in my job have always been extremely poor unless you did 2 weeks work in one.
People who bought around that time faced high interest rates which peaked at around 15 or 16%, boy that was struggle too.
Houses wouldn't be so expensive now if there weren't so many people in the country, yes i know some of you would like to brand me an 'ist of some sort but this is a huge part of the problem that continually denying isn't going to solve.
By the way i don't have a company pension scheme, i'm going to be relying on my state pension for which i've paid in all my life, not as i expect there to be much left in the pot.
Plus whatever i can save, no doubt when we retire we'll have to downsize (voluntarily before an apparatchik orders it) and use some of the equity to live on.
We have no intention of being a burden on the state other than what we are due, whatever else you think of me i am not a hypocrite, SWM is exactly the same mindset.
Do you think i don't know there are good and bad in every generation indeed in every nationality, if not your blood will have to boil.
Why do you think my son and his wife waited till their 30's now to have a child, it was to establish themseves in good hosuing and in good well paid jobs, its taking responsibility, something many of all generations fail spectacularly to do, unfortunately as the welfare state increases so do those who realise they don't need to provide for themselves, the state picks up the tab.
Those in comparativbely good jobs have a recent kicking, my son/DiL included, pay in more than enough in contributions, but no child allowance for people who do their best.
You are struggling to raise your families and pay your bills, yes? do you think it was any different for us, year upon year working through holidays to make ends meet and avoid at all costs interest rates or getting into debt.
Old cars bought for peanuts ofetn with faults to get them cheap, spend hours/days fixing them up to make them good enough to use, didn't have the money for new or even modern second hand cars, and wouldn't dream of using a garage for repairs, we jacked 'em up on the roadside and got on with it.
This isn't a p'ing contest by the way this is just a few examples from my own life.
Most pensioners did work and paid in to the system for their pensions and other things like the NHS, its not pensioners fault that those same two things as well as education welfare etc is being dished out free to millions who have never paid a penny into the pot, home grown and otherwise.
This country will have to make some choices soon, either we carry on like turkeys voting for Christmas or we decide that driving headlong down the same road we have travelled for the last 15 years isn't such a good idea after all.
The choice will be with you and your generation in time, don't forget you'll be old one day.
The whole point of this argument is that yet again those in power have divided and conquered, they again have pointed the finger and people have jumped on the bandwagon, it was welfare scroungers last time who next, possibly the big companies can afford better defence and spin doctors than a few past it pensioners eh?
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Mon 17 Jun 13 at 14:41