Motoring Discussion > If you're very bored Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Crankcase Replies: 7

 If you're very bored - Crankcase
Abbey Road crossing cam. It appears the novelty of wandering over it and posing Beatles like never wears off - people seem to do this at frequent intervals, especially during the busier times of day when the tourists are about. Holds up the traffic nicely.

It must be a very frustrating road to drive down.
 If you're very bored - Cliff Pope
Found this quote:

"The original zebra crossing, where the photograph was taken, was moved several metres for traffic management reasons more than 30 years ago, and no original features remain.

A spokesman for Westminster City Council said: "The detail of exactly when and why the crossing was moved from its original location have been lost in the annals of time. "
 If you're very bored - Dog
Still dangerous places to cross a road by the looks of it - I prefer to rely on me.
 If you're very bored - rtj70
And judging by the photos being taken, dangerous full stop. Cars got close to some of the silly "tourists" taking their photos of someone crossing.
 If you're very bored - Armel Coussine
You have to be pretty bored to whip yourself into a foaming lather about the incredible risk posed by people using a zebra crossing to cross an urban road with a bit of slow-moving traffic on it.

I recommend a glass of warm Horlicks and a very early night. Tchah!
 If you're very bored - Manatee
Modern life is so dangerous, it's a wonder the population continues to grow apace.

There's talk of banning Frosties and Sugar Puffs I believe. About time too. Lethal if you trip over a box.
 If you're very bored - CGNorwich
"There's talk of banning Frosties and Sugar Puffs I believe. About time too. Lethal if you trip over a box."

I was reading an article about the recommendation by doctors to tax sugary foods and I had an idea. Leave the food alone and just impose a punitive tax on very large clothing. A 10% loading on XL rising to 100% on XXXXXXXL should do the trick.

 If you're very bored - Crankcase
...and I thought THAT was interesting.

How about the Karachi Shoe Shop cam, live images updated every ten seconds? What a wonderful century.
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