Motoring Discussion > In pictures: Landscape or carscape? Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 26

 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Zero
I guess some of us have seen some of these sights in our travels.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - madf
i used to pass #3 daily.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Bromptonaut
The last one is Milton Keynes. Looks much lower density from the air than on the ground.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Dog
30,000 cars in 1904 ~ 24,000,000 today ... and a crazy race began with a car for every man, woman, and child.

 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Boxsterboy
I love the Daimler hire garage in London. The black and white photo of the modern concrete is fantastic. Is it the NCP in Brewer Street, W1?

Last edited by: Boxsterboy on Wed 6 Feb 13 at 22:06
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Zero
Similar, but no - its in Bloomsbury.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Alanovich
I thought it looked familiar. I think I passed it on the way from Covent Garden to the British Museum on foot last summer. Would that make sense? Didn't pay too much attention to it at the time as I was trying to stop my children from getting run over.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Fursty Ferret
Where's number 1 taken? I'm guessing the south west due to the distinctive hill in the background, but honestly can't remember seeing a castle like that anywhere before.

And I assume that vile multi-story in "10" has gone. And Milton Keynes is still a dump* fit for nothing more than demolition.

* I hate Milton Keynes. I really HATE it. From the pointless grid layout; to the concrete vileness that it's built from; to the crap road names and hundreds of roundabouts. It has absolutely no redeeming features. Everything that's rubbish about MK is summed up nicely when you cross one of the roads on foot to the shops, with huge yellow signs that say "PEDESTRIANS DO NOT HAVE PRIORITY". Well, they should.

^^ There you go. I especially like the contradictory "Welcome" above the shop behind.

It needs the same sort of redevelopment the IRA provided to Manchester twenty years ago.
Last edited by: Webmaster on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 12:17
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Bromptonaut
>> Where's number 1 taken? I'm guessing the south west due to the distinctive hill in
>> the background, but honestly can't remember seeing a castle like that anywhere before.

I thought the caption said Ludlow but maybe I'm wrong - or it was and has been changed.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Manatee
>> >> Where's number 1 taken? I'm guessing the south west due to the distinctive hill
>> in
>> >> the background, but honestly can't remember seeing a castle like that anywhere before.
>> I thought the caption said Ludlow but maybe I'm wrong - or it was and
>> has been changed.

I'm pretty sure that's Ludlow.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Crankcase
I reckon that first one is Ludlow too, and taken from about here, which is what it looks like today.
Last edited by: Crankcase on Thu 7 Feb 13 at 11:54
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Fenlander
Yes Ludlow for sure with St Laurence Church behind the castle. Taken I guess from Whitcliffe Road when the greenery was less dense.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Manatee
...and the car is Herefordshire registered too so not far from its origin.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Bromptonaut
>> And I assume that vile multi-story in "10" has gone. And Milton Keynes is still
>> a dump* fit for nothing more than demolition.
>> * I hate Milton Keynes. I really HATE it. >>

>> It needs the same sort of redevelopment the IRA provided to Manchester twenty years ago.

How about the Slough solution (come friendly bombs...)

A Wobun or Buzzad SID off Heathrow should put you in right place to drop some!!
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Fursty Ferret
>> A Wobun or Buzzad SID off Heathrow should put you in right place to drop
>> some!!

Have finger poised over flush button.
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 7 Feb 13 at 18:52
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Manatee
I quite like MK. The through roads are separate from the houses. The reason for the priority warnings is that you can do most of your walking on the car-free redways so the road encounters are the exception.

It doesn't look like a city of 200,000+ when you drive through it. Traffic is mostly much better than similar sized places.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - TeeCee
Grr. Milton Keynes.

You should have tried doing occasional deliveries (i.e. not often enough to warrant having a map of the area) there before the days of satnav systems.
Now, each roundabout has four big exits for the grid roads and four little ones for the "villages". This should make life simple, as knowing that the "village" address is at the junction of, say, V3 and H4 and there only being a few roads in the "village" should make anywhere simple to find.

Very cunning, until you add the human factor.

The ruddy residents of that rathole refuse to divulge the V and R numbers, on the grounds that it would be tantamount to an admission that they lived in a battery chicken farm. "Oh yes, you'll find it at the junction of something Boulevard and somethingelse Way." (Vs are Boulevards and Rs are Ways.......or maybe vice versa). Fat lot of use that was.......
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Manatee
Vs & Hs I think. But wasn't that the same problem in towns without a grid system?

I still have street maps of most towns in the West Riding from my travelling days. I suppose the difference is in MK you never see a pedestrian to ask while you are on a main road.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Bromptonaut
OTOH the MK grid means that one's sense of direction works well.

The Rohan outdoor clothing co has a discount/clearance store in MK. Not in the centre but at a local shop 'cluster' at Giffard Park. It's north and west of the station. Heading west then a couple of blocks north and you pick up the signs to Giffard PArk Local Centre.

Don't think I've ever done it same way twice though.
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Thu 7 Feb 13 at 14:34
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Manatee
>> OTOH the MK grid means that one's sense of direction works well.
>> The Rohan outdoor clothing co has a discount/clearance store in MK. Not in the centre
>> but at a local shop 'cluster' at Giffard Park. It's north and west of the
>> station.

North and east isn't it? East on Portway then up Brickhill Street. But I know what you mean, I go there in search of 'bargains'.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Bromptonaut

East it is. Away from station/A5 and towards M1.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Zero
>> I thought it looked familiar. I think I passed it on the way from Covent
>> Garden to the British Museum on foot last summer. Would that make sense?

Sounds about right.
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Boxsterboy
What road is it on, and is it anywhere near as good now as it was in the photo? (Nigh on a century of pollution can't have helped the concrete)
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Zero
Its herbrand street

Looking good, but too white
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - zookeeper
ive used the eliot- noyes design one (esso) on the A6 many a time, its just after the birstall roundabout goin north
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Boxsterboy
Cool, thanks. I bet they've filmed Poirot there more than once.

Did you spot the airplane mid-flight on Google Maps, just south west of the building? I bet that doesn't happen often!
 In pictures: Landscape or carscape? - Manatee
The best known probably being the Huntingdon Lancaster, but I think they've changed the photography now and it's gone...
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