Motoring Discussion > Dangerous Driving. Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Old Navy Replies: 9

 Dangerous Driving. - Old Navy
Channel 5 now, scary that these people are on the road.
 Dangerous Driving. - Zero
Meet them every day, don't need to watch the tele.
 Dangerous Driving. - Old Navy
But you live in the wacky races area.
 Dangerous Driving. - diddy1234
nothing like watching darwinism at work. plenty of future candidates on there
 Dangerous Driving. - Alanovich
>> But you live in the wacky races area.

Much as I like laughing at Slurrey and its permatanned 4xfaux drivers, it strikes me that there's far more of the Wacky Races going on north of the river in Middx. Or Little Belgium, as the wife and I call it when driving there (very carefully).
 Dangerous Driving. - madf
It's the inbreeding on benefits that does it...
 Dangerous Driving. - zookeeper
poor people are better drivers than rich people..ipso facto
 Dangerous Driving. - WillDeBeest
You'll need more than Lone Ranger quotes to impress a h'educated crowd like us, ZK.
 Dangerous Driving. - madf
Ipso facto?
 Dangerous Driving. - Manatee
I thought it meant being poor makes you a better driver? I just couldn't work out why, unless the premise is that you have to look after your car.
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