I've not noticed this feature before - perhaps I've been unobservant.
The tractor part of an artic several cars ahead of me this morning had a column of about 6 red rear lights up each outside edge of the cab. Not quite vertical, slightly inclined inwards at the top.
The result is a perfect way of telling which direction the lorry, and hence the road, is turning, because as the lorry combination snakes slightly, more or fewer lights display to the side of the trailer half, like a constantly adjusting column chart.
It seems a brilliant idea, especially on an unlit bending road, with obstructions etc for getting an early indication of traffic movement ahead.
Never thought about that aspect before, though in practice these are fitted along with dozens of others for reasons of (questionable) aesthetics, they are usually LED's and so bright as be slightly dazzling to me at least.
In practice so many people sit so close up a lorry's chuff that they couldn't possibly see past to make them useful as you have.
We drove down the A43 'tween Kettering and Northampton last week, salted roads with regular traffic coming the other way not a hope of getting past safely as is the norm on that road, lorry doing about 47mph in front, we were the second car behind travelling about 400yds behind with no spray, Corsa so close up his chuff that it almost disappeared in the salt spray booth, in the gloom he kept pulling out onto the crown of the road as if trying to overtake, bizarre driving out there.
Last edited by: gordonbennet on Fri 25 Jan 13 at 08:40