I have a part time job which involves driving the guvnor's Seicento, It's a yellow 53 plate and hasn't been washed for at least four years. From a distance it looks like a two tone, jet black from the waist down.
It never gets a service till something breaks, at the moment the coolant needs topping up every day because the heater is leaking, hasn't seen anti-freeze for years and the oil is only ever checked when I do it - which is not part of my job, and by then it's normally below the minimum.
Blasted thing is rust free and apart from the occasional snapped clutch cable it never misses a beat. It's sailed through the last few MoTs despite the rear wiper not working. If I treated my own car like that it would fall apart in less than a year.
And who said Fiats were trouble?
Last edited by: Robin Regal on Thu 17 Jan 13 at 19:39