I've decided not to keep the i10 that I bought new about six months ago. The last time I sold a similar car, ten years ago, I advertised it privately and.... long story cut short....a bloke that came to view it carjacked it whilst looking round it and it was never seen again and I picked up minor injuries trying to hang on to it.
It's done very few miles and I'd like to get a bit more than the dealer offered as a straight purchase. Have never sold a car using Autotrader or Ebay - used to use Exchange and Mart or a classified ad in local paper but times have changed I imagine.
Bit hesitant to advertise locally but maybe the best way to get a half decent price??
The 'webuyacar' or whatever it's called has just sprung to mind as well.
Any thoughts anyone?
>> The 'webuyacar' or whatever it's called has just sprung to mind as well.
Definitely worth getting a quote I would have thought given your previous experience - discussed here:
Just checked "webuyanycar" and the figure is respectably higher than the dealer's offer. They specifically mention not having a private plate but offer advice to assist with that. So looks good at the outset.
Appreciate advice offered here - thanks.
Last edited by: kb on Fri 7 May 10 at 19:30
You need to retain the numberplate, and then wait til the new v5c comes back before WBAC will purchase your vehicle.
so-smart.be/~bvjshn will assist with forms etc.
you have a private plate on an i10?
Thanks, Tony for that. I guess it will delay the sale and maybe they'll adjust the offer when the transfer is complete, but never mind.
And yes I do have a private plate on an i10, Zero.
kb we had to swap our plate off my Mondeo before I sold it privately this Jan. Local DVLA were so quick I reckon it only took a week before I had the approval and new tax disc/MOT etc. Then the updated V5 arrived within another 10 days so I was free to sell.
kb as in KB from HJ of old??
Hello FL. Thanks for encouraging info re. transfer.
Yes. Same old boring KB :-) albeit in lower case - didn't realise that at the time..............Hadn't posted anything 'in another place' for a while prior to it's changes. Had a bit of an off air exchange with the gaffer and did the decent thing. Far better not to expand on what's now history except to say I'm not likely to post over there anytime soon.......it also made me wary of contributing too much anywhere else though.
The plate is only a very anonymous (and inexpensive) N.I. plate from Speedy Reg - (who were very helpful and efficient, I should add). Wish I hadn't bothered, with the benefit of hindsight, but bought as I prefer now not to advertise the newness, or otherwise of what's parked on the front.
Thanks again.
>>>Had a bit of an off air exchange with the gaffer.
Ahh... it happens!
Seem to remember you are a retired emergency services driver... or am I mile off? I do remember exchanging off-site mails way back for some reason (when I posted as David W).
Last edited by: Fenlander on Sat 8 May 10 at 15:01
...Had a bit of an off air exchange with the gaffer...
Wouldn't worry about it - the guy has an attitude problem.
He certainly has a pair of boots that he is now too big for.
Re. attitude & boots. Every I see the beaming friendly smile on a certain website, should I happen to view proceeedings there, I am reminded of an evening's worth of unusual emailed conversation wherein I didn't perceive the grin to be quite as generous. I don't think I was over the moon myself, as I recall. Still, can't dwell on the past....
"emergency services driver... or am I mile off?".......... No, your memory serves you well, David. And I do recall emails which I think may have revolved around Series... ( was it one or two?)... Landrovers. I think it was when I was planning a move west and had visions of wet, narrow lanes and using that as an excuse for a 4X4. We might be talking around 8 yrs back. The move took place but no early Landrover. Had my first ride in a Defender recently - didn't realise they were as darned uncomfortable as this, fairly recent, one was....albeit down very badly pot-holed, little used lanes.
Must be very guilty of severe thread drift here - apologies.
>> >>>Had a bit of an off air exchange with the gaffer.
>> Ahh... it happens!
Its a badge of honour on here. Bit like earning your stripes.
>>Had a bit of an off air exchange with the gaffer.
And here was me thinking it was only me. :>{
It does rather look like himself and and few others have rubbed each other up the wrong way.....I got threatened with being sued on the evening in question - did anyone else, I wonder?
Why not be the first to try the Cars for Sale section on C4P?
Am currently trying to gather what a sensible figure would be. Seems to vary quite a lot. Also need to get the plate on retention before am able to offer it for sale.....haven't had cause to do that before and it will take a little while until transfer is complete.
A minimum would appear to be £6k and some sell at retail for around £8k. It's a metallic 59 plate 2009 1.2 Comfort
It's only done 1600 miles and the couple of dealers I spoke to say it's "too new" to make a sensible offer on.......Their words, not mine. Will take it to 'webuyanycar' during the week and see what response I get there, having already got their web-based price.
Can i be a nosy blighter KB and ask why you don't want to keep the i10, is it personal or does the car not please.
The car itself is OK. For this sort of money it can't be beaten. It's got everything on it you could want at that price and has many good things going for it. As can be seen, it gets very little use and it does, now, seem silly to have it sitting in the garage going nowhere. We use the Jazz most of the time......it's CVT and with the benefit of hindsight I would have preferred an auto i10...but it still wouldn't get much use.
I'll expand a little more in the fullness of time if anyone wanted to know.
Well I suppose if you liked the car at test drive, bought it and now after 1,600 miles in presumably a few months don't want it, we would all like to know what happened to make you want to sell.
Yes, as I indicated, I will add it a bit more in due course but am primarily concerned, just at the moment, to figure out the best place to sell it and to price it right having decided that I no longer want to keep it. None of this is earth shattering stuff, in the scheme of things but I really only want to get down to one car so the littl'un has to go.
Quote as per Espada III ......"Well I suppose if you liked the car at test drive, bought it and now after 1,600 miles in presumably a few months don't want it, we would all like to know what happened to make you want to sell"............
It is the case that it didn't get used much. We don't need two cars now and I preferred driving the Jazz.
The i10 has many good points - primarily, you get quite a lot for your money and at £2k off with scrappage it was very good value.
So. Reason number one for selling - as above, didn't get enough use to justify keeping.
However, I guess most new cars have niggles and mine were all sorted and the car I sold was absolutely fine. As per original post title I didn't want to sell privately and having tried 'webuyanycar' and 'wewillbuyyourcar' went to a dealer known to me who bettered the offer of the aforementioned two and all was well.
My relationship with the supplying Hyundai dealer was starting to show signs of falling apart especially after they declined to call me back on two occasions regarding buying the car back - and indeed I'm still waiting for their call. But all credit to them as the owner did manage to prise a replacement modified clutch out of Hyundai after three weeks waiting in order to fix clutch judder. They seem, apparently, to be hanging on to the modified clutches and must release them using some sort of priority system.....i.e. those who complain loudly enough, get one. Hyundai UK don't take calls from the likes of mere mortals like you and I....they employ an agency who may, or may not, pass on to H.U.K any feedback or details of problems from customers. This didn't please me at all. Quite the opposite, in fact but the dealer's owner did have words with someone, as it came within a day or so following his intervention and it was fitted in no time at all..
Additionally the dealer service department did promptly attend to....
1. The radio, which needed an update via CD to enable reception of Traffic Broadcasts....(first CD sent from Hyundai didn't work but second one was fine). 2. Rear seat backrest adjustment. 3. Replacement side strips (originals started coming adrift). 4. Poor MPG (sometimes down to 30mpg and never more than 42 mpg - even on a run.... they offered to charge me £60 to check the car on a controlled test run which I declined). 5. Speedo reads 5mph over true speed....(legal but irritating). 6. Sudden appearance of clutch judder when cold after 6 months, subsequently fixed perfectly well.
So, I was probably a bit unlucky but will stick with Honda for the time being.
4. Poor MPG (sometimes down to
>> 30mpg and never more than 42 mpg - even on a run.... they offered to
>> charge me £60 to check the car on a controlled test run which I declined).
>> 5. Speedo reads 5mph over true speed....(legal but irritating). 6. Sudden appearance of clutch judder
>> when cold after 6 months, subsequently fixed perfectly well.
We thought ours wasn't too hot on fuel at first, but it seems to have improved, possible reasons being a combination of us getting used to the car and engine bedding in.
That reading for the speedo; presumably you checked it with a GPS or similar, and if it's only 5mph out that doesn't sound too bad. On a car like the i10 i'd suggest it's irrelevant anyway.
Ours suffered from more what I'd call an overly sharp clutch rather than judder, but thanks for the heads-up on the modification, will look into that. When we first had the car we stalled it with annoying regularity, but experience seems to have eradicated the problem, again perhaps a bit of bedding-in might have helped.
Last edited by: Harleyman on Wed 19 May 10 at 21:34
"That reading for the speedo; presumably you checked it with a GPS or similar, and if it's only 5mph out that doesn't sound too bad. On a car like the i10 i'd suggest it's irrelevant anyway"............
It was checked with GPS, Harleyman and speaking purely for myself I see it as relevant when it's telling me I'm doing 30mph when in fact I'm only doing 25 ....and, in the case of, say, 50 mph roadworks limits, I'd be doing 45mph when it's showing 50....with the result that lorry drivers, with accurate calibrated readouts, and delivery constraints to stick to, are up my backside. Obviously you just mentally adjust by 5 mph every time you glance at the speedo....hence my saying it's legal but irritating...but also what does "a car like an i10" mean?...can't quite see why it being a small city car but capable of motorway use should be any more reason to have an inaccurate speedo. It's not, as I said, a major issue and I did get to prefer having the GPS in the car so I could glance at that and get an accurate digital figure rather than keep adjusting for the discrepancy.
You're spot on re. the sharp clutch. For some reason I stalled this car more than any other I've driven in over 40 years...but that was with the original clutch - I haven't used the new clutch enough to say whether it's going to be better after bedding in, but the new, modified one, was OK. Also, for some years I've been using old cable throttle cars and the Jazz is automatic so perhaps the i10 has drive by wire connection which needs getting used to???? Might be completely wrong on that though (I usually am). You might try leaving the car for several days and check it. Mine was OK for 6 months and then suddenly, after a week's inactivity, it juddered like an old 100E Anglia used to......but cleared when warm.
As I said I think it's a cracking little car but wasn't in the end one for me to keep and Hyundai UK did give me the 'ump.
> Lorry drivers, with accurate calibrated readouts
Do they?
Every car overeads on the speedo. Some often by 5mph, its not a problem or unusual.
If you know about it, you adjust and drive at an indicated 35mph, 55mph... etc etc
How do you know every car does, Zero? My Honda doesn't and neither did previous older cars. Yes, you're right about it being an indicated 35 and adjusting etc. - I think I covered that, but just said I found it irritating.
I stand to be corrected re, lorry readouts but gained the impression from what I have read that they have tacho's / calibrated speedo's ?? which are accurate. Perhaps 'pda' can advise on that.
Every one of my previous cars have over read. Thats a VW, a renault, a seat, and my mitsubishi. Every maker sets the speedo over by a bit. The bit varies, but it is over.
Then I'm wrong and you're right. Can't offer anything further on that one.
It really gets annoying, when the bit over reading varies depending where it is on the dial, as it does on my Mitsubishi.
In some countries it's illegal for them to under-read: that's probably why manufacturers play safe.
It's illegal for them to under-read at all in the UK. Up to 10% over-reading is legal.
My last 3 cars (2 Hondas and a Subaru) have all over-read by up to 5mph at an indicated 70mph (assuming GPS speed in a straight line on the level is pretty accurate).
>> I stand to be corrected re, lorry readouts but gained the impression from what I
>> have read that they have tacho's / calibrated speedo's ?? which are accurate. Perhaps 'pda'
>> can advise on that.
Calibration checked every two years I think.
I understand where you're coming from regarding lorries going through roadworks; however I think you'll find that this more often than not tends to be drivers whose limiters are set at 53 mph (this is getting more common) and therefore see no need to click the cruise control off when going through roadworks, thinking they won't get flashed because they're less than 10% over the limit.
I've been through the Newport section of the M4 in my lorry six times this week (3 each way) and I have noticed that a lot of cars go through it at what to me is an indicated 45 mph. You could be on to something here.
I'd tend to agree with Avant's suggestion; motorcycle speedos used to be notorious for over-reading, funnily the smaller the bike's capacity the more they used to over-read, something to do with bragging rights I suspect!
Last edited by: Harleyman on Thu 20 May 10 at 18:24
My Vectra Under reads by aprox 4-5mph
so When doing a GPS indicated 70mph, the car will be reading 65-66mph, however my partners Citreon C4 is accurate with only 1mph. however i think that has something to do whith the citreons digital readout.
my c4 picasso is 1mph out according to sat nav and c3 picasso is 2mph.
as above it may be digital is more aqccurate
Glad the OP got it sold. Like 'em or not, these i10s seem very sought after and presumably very sell-able. I'm sure the dealer can easily sell it on as an ex-demo for 500 quid under the price of a new one, and no waiting times. I find it pathetic that a couple of dealers thought it was too new to put a price on, what a load of codswallop!
Thanks, Nick. First Hyundai dealer I approached (not the supplying dealer) wasn't at all keen and offered, ''maybe £5,500....but only 'maybe'. 'webuyanycar' was £6070 less £75 fees and less anything else they may have knocked off. 'wewillbuyyourcar' was a tiny bit more (and no fees and would have collected and paid on collection)... and I finished up with £6,200 from a trusted Honda dealer who acted perfectly honestlyand sold it on in to the trade rather than put it on his front as they only sell Hondas and nothing else. My supplying Hyundai dealer didn't offer anything and didn't have the courtesy to call. So it's gone without the hassle of a private sale. Thank you all for advice received.
Last edited by: kb on Fri 21 May 10 at 10:05
Huyundai dealers only want to sell new cars, most have no room for pre owned.
A lot of con artists have been caught out with the Panda. Seen a few one owner examples on the private market with say 200 miles on the clock. All say change of circumstances or what ever and all want around £6k quoting £1700 of list. All the sellers seem to thick to realise that any FIAT dealer will sell the brand new car for £5995 and Fiatsupersaver is down to £5795.
Quite clearly these people have bought them on scrappage thinking they were getting £2500 off the RRP price and they have now realised their Panda is only worth what they paid for it.
The i10 is a bit more pricey because it has higher amount of standard kit and seem to keep their value a little better.
I wasn't too impressed with my Hyudnai dealer as the gave me some false information.