Motoring Discussion > I survived cancer... Miscellaneous
Thread Author: WillDeBeest Replies: 11

 I survived cancer... - WillDeBeest
...Never give up hope. So read the lurid stick-on letters on the back of a grey CRV on the M4 this morning. In fact, its even more lurid red mudflaps caught my eye first, but then I noticed how close its driver was putting it to the car in front; and when that car speeded up and pulled away, he moved forward to tailgate the one in front of that.

What do you think: sense of immortality born of dodging a bullet, or just an idiot with poor taste?
 I survived cancer... - No FM2R
I'm afraid that developing cancer does not make an angel of a person. Even idiots get sick.
 I survived cancer... - madf
Given that many types of cancer can recur, advertising you are cured is tempting fate.
 I survived cancer... - Pat
It most certainly is.
Ian has his 5 year full body scan in December and we've been this close before and another form started so we're getting twitchy already.

I do have some sympathy with the car driver though....Ian always has to wear his Jack s*** T shirt which has the legend 'I'm invicible' on the front when off to Addenbrookes.

I don't quite understand his thinking but if it makes him more able to cope who am I to question it?

Full leathers and a hair raising ride on Bertha completes the ritual.

I pretend not to notice.


 I survived cancer... - Dog
And y'all wonder why I live 'up ere' out of the way of it all, like.

 I survived cancer... - Pat
Beware Dog, cancer uses Satnav but calls it lymph nodes!

 I survived cancer... - nyx2k
awful disease.
 I survived cancer... - Dog
>>Beware Dog, cancer uses Satnav but calls it lymph nodes!<<

Nice one Pat, best to make light of it I reckon, but joking apart, some forms of cancer can be caused viruses :(
 I survived cancer... - RattleandSmoke
I have always wanted to put a sticker on my car saying "Enjoy yourself, its later than you think..."

A positive light on a very negative saying. And yes even idiots do get cancer, the bloke who crashed into my dad had it (but now thankfully has the all clear).

 I survived cancer... - Dog
>>"Enjoy yourself, its later than you think..."<<

 I survived cancer... - RattleandSmoke
I would love to get my hands on the original copy of that :). I have it on one of Ska compilations but it really does sum up how I feel about life. Very different to how I felt ten years ago.

Of course like everything though there is a balance :). I also cannot believe the song is over 60 years old, the lyrics still seem so relevant and modern. I've blasted it out of my car a view times and got some strange looks! A young (ish) lad in a Panda listening to 1940's stuff.

Last edited by: RattleandSmoke on Wed 22 Aug 12 at 22:08
 I survived cancer... - Dutchie
Surviving cancer and the you die of something else live is good.>:)
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