I'm getting a pop up ad on here for a Ssang Yong ( Sp?) Korando. It tells me that for a mere £18000 or something that I'd be foolish not to buy one.
Bit of a minger though. It reminds me of some advice I think it was my dad who gave me, a very long time ago, along the lines of "only ask the pretty ones to dance 'cos you never know... and what's more they end up costing the same as the ugly ones !"
Its a bit cheaper here, but there are loads of them around. They have a pretty good reputation and they look ok in the flesh as it were.
Autocar had one on long term test recently, and it got reasonable reviews. Older design Mercedes engine I think. Ssang Yong now Chinese owned - as are LDV.
I know a British guy who lives in Chile, but then I imagine there are more than a few of them.
Do you indeed. I am curious, because your style doesn't ring any immediate bells for me.
He's gone to Chile to win the No Bell Peace Prize....
Nor yours with me. Almost certainly coincidence unless you were the erstwhile owner of a chain of shops in the UK?
Nooo, not me.
However, if he's at a loose end and fancies a beer sometime.......