Motoring Discussion > Ford - Sales fall 10% in Eur, other manufacturers cut ££s Buying / Selling
Thread Author: Falkirk Bairn Replies: 6

 Ford - Sales fall 10% in Eur, other manufacturers cut ££s - Falkirk Bairn

Ford not joining the race to the bottom and maintain prices - volumes down as a result.

Ford List prices are always high with £££s off when you look around - why do they not cut the list price and lower the discounts.

Company car buyers would pay less in Bik tax charges and this could boost sales.
Pricing is an art and not a science........lots of punters pay extra for German badges but not German Fords!
 Ford - Sales fall 10% in Eur, other manufacturers cut ££s - madf
why do they not cut the list price and lower the discounts.

There are always unsuspecting # private buyers who will accept list price or list less 5% and think they have a good deal. The UK car market - for Ford- is slewed strongly to bulk buying. They have to make their profits somewhere.

# or dumb -. Mrs madf has a friend who always buys a new Fiesta every 3-4 years and drives at least 5,000 miles a year in it. I doubt if she asks 25% discount...

I suspect they will eventually have to move though .. see Peugeot..cutting jobs.
Last edited by: madf on Fri 13 Jul 12 at 16:39
 Ford - Sales fall 10% in Eur, other manufacturers cut ££s - Dave
Total car sales in Sweden are down 15% year on year. Not sure why, as the economy is doing well and there's no scares about big redundancies or anything.
 Ford - Sales fall 10% in Eur, other manufacturers cut ££s - rtj70
VW sales are down in the UK too for example. A long way off last year. Read into that what you want. VW had a push on last year to shift more cars so maybe did better deals?
 Ford - Sales fall 10% in Eur, other manufacturers cut ££s - lancara
According to the June SMMT figures VW registrations were up 1.56% YTD, whilst they were up 4.1% for the month
 Ford - Sales fall 10% in Eur, other manufacturers cut ££s - Collos
According to the German press it willbe lucky if Opel/Vauxhall survive interviews with the staff they do not seem hopefull meanwhile VAG can sell everything they put on the shelves.Both China and India have cut back maybe thats the problem.
 Ford - Sales fall 10% in Eur, other manufacturers cut ££s - Londoner
Collos - interesting stuff there from Germany. Do you happen to know how Mercedes and BMW are doing? IIRC in the UK they were doing pretty much the same as VAG, i.e. single figure growth in percentage terms.
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