My Vectra C has loads of “surprise and delight”
- Auto Dimming Rear view mirror and Drivers door mirror (much to the dismay of SWMBO’s C4 who’s is only the rear view mirror.
- Number plate lights illuminate when you unlock the car so you don’t step in puddles
- Information display tells you if its icy/ key fob battery is flat/ low on screen wash / range left in fuel amongst a whole range of other things
- The display tells you when and which bulb is about to stop working and then when it has actually failed (very clever)
- if one of the brake lights failes, the rear tail lights take over the job.
- Dash all illuminates when you open the doors.
- Drivers door unlocks only on the 1st click whole car for the second on the fob
- windows auto close when it starts raining and the ignition is off
- opening and closing of the windows using the key fob.
- passenger door mirror operates in opposite unison to the drivers door mirror so you don’t have to adjust both of them separately.
-DAB Radio and FM
-Interior lights come on when the ignition key comes out, and if you leave your headlamps on (not in auto mode) it switches them onto dip to prevent battery drainage – ignore this and then it flashes the light symbol on the dash and “bongs” at you,
It also “bongs” at you when you leave the keys in and open the doors
-I don’t care what people say about the Vectra it looks great rides, well and I love it all of the above adds to the experience.
Last edited by: Redviper on Fri 30 Apr 10 at 16:57