Not sure if this is good news or bad. The world economy continues to deteriorate at an alarming rate but filling up the car is getting cheaper.
Crikey! - and I bought 500 litres of the stuff 2 weeks ago: www.boilerjuice.com/heatingOilPrices.php
>> Crikey! - and I bought 500 litres of the stuff 2 weeks ago: www.boilerjuice.com/heatingOilPrices.php
Double crikey! I bought 1000 litres 4 weeks ago.
I belong to a community energy club that places bulk orders with the cheapest supplier they can find.
I paid 61.58p per litre inc. VAT for 500 litres on 30th April.
52.87p+vat for 1000 litres here on Thursday. Usual annual gamble, will it go down further or do I buy now? Works out at just over £555 which lasts us a year. I paid £583 last year in July.
Hell's teeth, you guy's have some seriously big petrol tanks. Mine only holds 50 litres.
>>52.87p+vat for 1000 litres here on Thursday<<
So much for 'community energy clubs' then.
We do seem to have hi-jacked the thread a bit but I assume it shows how the general oil prices are going - not bought petrol for a couple of weeks now though.
Prior to orderiing my oil I phone 5 or 6 different suppliers, then I go back to a supplier I have used for the last 16 years who have managed to undercut everyone else every year but two.
The average price this week was about 53.8p / litre but one came down to 52.9, this is not inc vat and for 1000 litres. My usual supplier was only able to reduce to 52.87, and must order on Monday at that price as they will have a tanker out my way, seems quite good though.
Looks like I'm being ripped off. 79p/l for gasoil 4 weeks ago.
Last edited by: sooty tailpipes on Sat 9 Jun 12 at 18:58
Its the first time I've used a 'community energy club', the idea is that if they order say 70,000 litres, they will get the best possible price, take a bit off for themselves, and then pass the savings on to you/me.
That's fine in practise but when the oil price is falling rapidly perhaps it isn't such a good idea :)
you need a "crystal ball club" in those circumstances.
Some forecasters are predicting a further 10% reduction by year end but there again what do they know?
Should keep inflation in check a little
And as my cheerful brother pointed out on Wednesday, that means the government will impose their further increase in fuel duty...
Just in time for the oil price to go back to where it was!
Gee - Thank your brother for us.
Just filled up with a tad under 1000 litres @53p.
Made sure this time the top was replaced on the tank :-S
did you get the water out?
Most of it I think. Bought one of those oil syphon pumps from Screwfix and tied the pipe to a piece of cane so that I was able to target the pipe directly where I wanted and suck the water and debris direct from the bottom. I then filtered the liquid and poured the cleaned up stuff back in. Not as much water as I thought there might be but lots of dead crawlies.
52p/litre for 1500 litres of kerosene today. Tried four suppliers, dearest was 56.8.
Can't see the price dropping much further, and we're away in a couple of weeks so thought I'd better get the stuff bought before the next strike/civil war/banking crisis (delete as appropriate) gets the market gamblers hoarding again.
Last edited by: Harleyman on Mon 11 Jun 12 at 19:55