A diversion that takes motorists on a 47-mile detour to avoid roadworks just a few hundred yards long have been branded “laughable”.
Drivers who want to travel through the centre of Highbridge, Somerset, will need to reconsider their route from Monday.
The huge diversion, which has been put in place by Somerset County Council so 740 yards of road can be resurfaced, is scheduled to last for eight working days.
It has left local residents baffled since it directs motorists on a journey taking almost two hours.
Bedford's mayor has a bee in his bonnet about shutting the High street for the last two Christmas for a Victorian fayre (sic). This entails a twelve mile IIRC signposted diversion.
There are shorter ways round that don't have weight restrictions, but I wouldn't like to get a forty tonner along them.
I suppose there's guidelines about the sort of route a diversion takes, depending on the status of the road.
No. Dogging is, if you ask me.
Britain's strangest diversion. What's to not understand?
I think AC means Dogging is Britain's strangest diversion. Which reminds be, when I've got time tonight I'll post a link to Fascinating Aida's song on the subject - which is not wholly safe for work.....
Sorry, brain must have slowed down now ! ! One of the places I worked at was on a very expensive Business park, didn't stop it becoming a regional dogging capital - very amusing when you Googled it the Landlord's site scored a No. 5 !
Get some firecrackers and a klaxon - have some fun with 'coitus interuptus!'
Many years back, was on holiday with a friend, and we were staying in a camp site down the coast, where we met some Canadian backpackers. We were sitting next to the car in a very dark area, drinking beer and talking rubbish, when a car drove up to a large tent nearby, the couple got out, and went inside, turned on a lantern, and entertained us for a while with some interesting shadows. When it was approaching the 'vinegar strokes', one of the canadians started cheering, whistling, clapping, blowing the car horn, cries of 'encore!' etc.
Hilarious for us. Not for them.
Not travelled along A36 then lately??
Phil I
There's one in Scotland I think that's been diverted along a railway line because of a landslip.
Fascinating Aida's Dilly Keane on dogging:
Last edited by: Bromptonaut on Fri 11 May 12 at 20:39
Saw them performing live a few weeks ago. I'll never think of Cheryl Cole in the same way again!
>> No. Dogging is, if you ask me.
You mean you don't leap at the opportunity to pick up a random venereal disease from a stranger? The idea of a todger that turns green and drops off does rather put me off the activity.