Assuming you earn an average wage around 20-30 grand, then it's best to spend 2-3% and recycle it when it dies.
If you buy a car for 2 grand and sell it a year later you'll lose maybe 500 notes - that's still only 2-3% of average income.
A car that cost 50% of your income, will be worth 15% at most 8 years later - so about 4% cost pa.
If you buy a new car thats 50% of you income and change every year (assuming 25% depreciation in year one) then thats 12% of income/year on a car.
This doesn't include fuel/servicing/insurance etc (which is not guaranteed to be cheaper for a newer machine).
If you're trying to be superthrift then maybe buying a 4x4 in March and replacing with an MX5 in October will mean you never lose a penny!
Last edited by: Lygonos on Wed 18 Apr 12 at 22:41