Looks as if my battery has died.
On checking suitable replacements, a calcium type is offered. Given that it's going to cost a bit more, is it worth it? (The engine is not diesel.)
I'm pretty certain that your car will have a "smart" charging system, which will mean that it has to have the correct battery (silver possibly ?). Check out prices at your local Ford dealer, they can be competitive on items like this.
>> I'm pretty certain that your car will have a "smart" charging system, which will mean that it has to have the correct battery (silver possibly ?).
IIRC my 98 petrol Mondeo has the same engine.
Silver calcium is the one for mine due to the charging system.
I needed a replacement a few days ago. I fitted a type 100
It has a bit more grunt ( Its what we sell for Transits) but I wanted a replacement instantly and was unsure if silver calcium was the same as calcium.
It cost £85.
The previous Varta lasted 3 years and two months. :-(
This tells you the battery specification. tinyurl.com/7o7kgqe
I assume it's authoratitive, but I can't guarantee that. A Ford dealer is your best bet for the information.
Last edited by: L'escargot on Mon 19 Mar 12 at 10:02
Vauxhall dealers do a well priced calcium battery for a Focus for around £65.hth