Just had a new Nox sensor fitted to the Audi, free of charge (thankfully).
Main dealer quoted price for the job was 850 quid?! Indie who sold me the car sourced the part for 500 quid and fitted it themselves. Seems mighty pricey?! Did we need any of this stuff in pre-cat days?! Is it that vital a part?!
>> Main dealer quoted price for the job was 850 quid?! Indie who sold me the
>> car sourced the part for 500 quid and fitted it themselves. Seems mighty pricey?!
Yup, 110 quid OEM here.
>> we need any of this stuff in pre-cat days?! Is it that vital a part?!
if you have a cat, yes its vital.
A quick search of UK sites gives an average price of £100 + fitting.
I guess it's an FSI engine in which case the NOx sensor is used to determine whether to switch between lean burn and rich combustion mixture.
This is necessary for lean burn/ direct injection engines in order to get rid of nitric oxide in the exhaust gases as a normal type of 3 way catalytic converter can't be used due to the lean burn cycle. One reason for failure of the NOx sensor is high levels of sulphur in the petrol.
The online price for FSI lambda sensors is similar, a lambda sensor is a lambda sensor (ish). :-)
Just to clarify a few points.A nox sensor is not one of the lambda sensors.It is situated towards the rear of the exhaust system downstream of the cats and lambda sensors.It can only be bought together with its control unit and costs around £300.I don,t think it can be obtained for much less.hth