Non-motoring > Shergar found! - Volume 1   [Read only] Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Zero Replies: 208

 Shergar found! - Volume 1 - Zero

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Last edited by: VxFan on Fri 15 Feb 13 at 16:48
 Shergar found! - PhilW
Tasty! Have eaten "cheval" quite a few times "en France" and it is very tasty - though, of course, I wouldn't dare to admit it!
 Shergar found! - bathtub tom
If they called it horse, would it be cheaper?

I don't see the problem, it's just another herbivore.
 Shergar found! - Bromptonaut
Oh dear.

There were jokes about Shergar Burgers when the animal originally disappeared.

Like Phil I've had horse in France and enjoyed it.
 Shergar found! - Zero
And me, eaten my little pony in France, but somehow it never seems quite like a good idea at home. Is it actually illegal for human consumption in the UK if properly described?

Edit, its perfectly legal as long as described.
Last edited by: Zero on Tue 15 Jan 13 at 19:53
 Shergar found! - Armel Coussine
Anything just called 'steack' in France will probably be horse. If it's beef it should be called 'bifteck' or e.g. Rondelles de boeuf avec... etc etc.
 Shergar found! - Cliff Pope
Wait till they find traces of human DNA. :)
 Shergar found! - bathtub tom
>> Wait till they find traces of human DNA. :)

Tastes like pork I'm led to believe.
 Shergar found! - Ian (Cape Town)
I discussed this recently.
But not here.
 Shergar found! - legacylad
Maybe 'Soylent Green' is not so far away after all.

Edward G Robinson's final film. Ironic innit.
 Shergar found! - TheManWithNoName
Neigh, neigh and thrice neigh it's just plain wrong.

Besides, I don't like horse meat. It gives me the trots.

 Shergar found! - PhilW
"Besides, I don't like horse meat. It gives me the trots."

Hay, you foal, try it mare often, you might get to like it. And then your stomach will become more stable.

 Shergar found! - John H
apparently "The affected burgers were made at two sites in Ireland and one in North Yorkshire owned by Dalepak Foods."

Dalepak claim:
" .... investigate how our shopping habits have changed since we hit the Credit Crunch. ..... how to save money while still enjoying life’s little pleasures. ... "

They also do meat free:

I wonder what goes in to those.
Last edited by: John H on Tue 15 Jan 13 at 23:57
 Shergar found! - Roger.
Well, burger me!
 Shergar found! - idle_chatterer
So, I haven't eaten meat for 20 years, a personal choice - I lecture nobody and believe that people can eat whatever they like short of each other perhaps.... I have to ask is the problem eating horses or just the trade-descriptions of the burgers as being beef (or whatever) ?

IIRC beef sausages often contain some pork so why shouldn't burgers contain other meats, had it been lamb would there be any outcry ?

Finally, if you'll eat beef, pork etc, what's so special about a horse or (more controversially) a dog or cat ?
 Shergar found! - Ian (Cape Town)
>> Finally, if you'll eat beef, pork etc, what's so special about a horse or (more
>> controversially) a dog or cat ?
dogs and cats are carnivores, of course.
Taste pretty horrible, and the meat takes longer to digest.
 Shergar found! - Roger.
>> Maybe 'Soylent Green' is not so far away after all.
>> Edward G Robinson's final film. Ironic innit.

Now known as the Liverpool Pathway?
 Shergar found! - Meldrew
Was this discovered because some punter(!) thought their burger tasted odd or as part of routine tests by Food Agency or Trading Standards?
 Shergar found! - Cliff Pope
Psss - want a tip for the 2.30 at Tesco?
"Family pack", by Shopper out of Deep Freeze.
 Shergar found! - Crankcase
In the interests of balance, note the article says that both Iceland and Aldi have withdrawn affected product as well, and at the time Lidl was "unavailable for comment".

We won't know whether Jim Royle is going upstairs or down the next time he says he's off for a pony.

 Shergar found! - VxFan
Part of the stable diet I would have thought.
 Shergar found! - R.P.
‎'I've just checked those Tesco burgers in the fridge.. and they're off.......' (via John Masterton)
 Shergar found! - VxFan
>> I've just checked those Tesco burgers in the fridge.. and they're off

What are the odds on that happening?
 Shergar found! - BobbyG
Might think twice about buying some tiger bread now......
 Shergar found! - Zero
I think some little girl complained it didn't look like a tiger so its now called Giraffe bread. Its true, check it out on line. She's got a right neck.
Last edited by: Zero on Wed 16 Jan 13 at 09:22
 Shergar found! - Roger.
I prefer a Horse's Neck, myself.
 Shergar found! - Roger.
Many years ago, while on holiday in St. Tropez, I got our car stuck on a beach in some soft sand.
A friendly native helped me to extract it and afterwards we sat a chatted in pigeon French.
We were talking about food (as one does) and it transpired that the locals were fond of eating "l'âne", which after much waving of hands on top of his head, we realised was "donkey"!
 Shergar found! - Alanovich
Donkey - A traditional ingredient of Spanish chorizo, is it not?
 Shergar found! - Roger.
No it's pig all the way (including its squeak) in chorizo.
I love a nice chorizo, but one should not think too deeply about what one is eating.
Just chew and enjoy.
BTW, Spanish black pudding ( morcilla) is just delicious and quite unlike the GB version, which I also enjoy.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
I had some of those Tesco burgers for tea last night.

I was so hungry at the time, I could've eaten a horse.

I still have a bit between my teeth.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
>> I had some of those Tesco burgers for tea last night.

And now I've got the trots.
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
Pigeon French? Strictly for the birds.

Last edited by: CGNorwich on Wed 16 Jan 13 at 10:14
 Shergar found! - Mike Hannon
Horse is usually dearer than decent beefsteak over here - but worth it, except for the fact that the French, as is their habit, cut off all the tasty fat.
40-odd years ago the firm my father managed had a major contract hauling horsemeat from Irish slaughterhouses to France. I guess there's always been plenty available for the 'back door' trade over there.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
What a coincidence

"hamburgers" is an anagram of "shergar bum"

 Shergar found! - Roger.
>> Pigeon French? Strictly for the birds.
>> Pidgin.
Correct, of course - my bad, as they say.
 Shergar found! - madf
Note it was the Irish FSA who found it. The UK FSA found nothing.

Tesco's Technical Director. is a former CEO of the UK FSA
 Shergar found! - Cliff Pope
>> Pigeon French? Strictly for the birds.
>> Pidgin.

Not necessarily. It depends which etymology you believe:

"The origin of the word pidgin is uncertain. Pidgin first appeared in print in 1850. The most widely accepted etymology is from the Chinese pronunciation of the English word business.

Another etymology that has been proposed is English pigeon, a bird sometimes used for carrying brief written messages, especially in times prior to modern telecommunications."
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
Whatever the etymology it's spelt pidgin.
 Shergar found! - zippy
Worried about horse meat in Tesco burgers?

Try their meat balls. They are the dogs' bllx!
 Shergar found! - Roger.
 Shergar found! - R.P.
Shocking tesco sellin burgers containing horse meat...what next my Lidl pony?
 Shergar found! - smokie
Tesco burgers are low in fat, high in Shergar
 Shergar found! - R.P.
I went to Tesco for tea, had a burger, the girl asked what I wanted on it, I replied £5 each way to win......
 Shergar found! - R.P.
I think they should do a Gallop Poll to see whether Tesco has slumped in the ratings.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
>> Tesco burgers are low in fat, high in Shergar

Are they on Buy One, Get One Filly?
Last edited by: VxFan on Thu 17 Jan 13 at 00:23
 Shergar found! - Auntie Lockbrakes
Wonder if their veggie burgers are made with uniquorn....
 Shergar found! - Auntie Lockbrakes
Just heard a Tesco spokesperson say that they were just trying to get in to a Newmarket...
 Shergar found! - VxFan
Camel toe found in Primark leggings.
 Shergar found! - madf
>> Camel toe found in Primark leggings.

Like this?
 Shergar found! - bathtub tom
>> Wonder if their veggie burgers are made with uniquorn....

Excellent. Even better when I had to explain that to SWMBO (she is blonde).
 Shergar found! - TeeCee
Teso have removed all affected products from display, but they're still available under the canter.
 Shergar found! - Ambo
For tasty ass, buy merguez sausages in France.
 Shergar found! - rtj70
I'm surprised 29% of a burger in Tesco's value range had 29% meat of any kind let alone horse ;-)
 Shergar found! - Cliff Pope
Idly wondering where to buy horsemeat online, I notice a flurry of people asking the same question.

Allegedly it's a quarter the price of beaf - probably cheaper if you buy a whole horse ready-jointed for your freezer.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
Think the DNA found in burgers is bad?

Wait until they try and explain the DNA found in the lamb rump roast.
 Shergar found! - Roger.
Welsh or Kiwi shepherd?
 Shergar found! - Zero
Shepherds Pie, made from 100% shepherd.
 Shergar found! - Stuu
I have on occasion eaten one of the brands of burgers that have been withdrawn - very tasty and I would still buy them again, horse or not. Ive eaten goat and camel in the past so horse doesnt seem like a stretch.
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
The issue surely is not whether we are prepared to eat horse meat but whether we are happy to be palmed off with something other and cheaper that we paid for and perhaps more importantly how could this happen following the controls implemented after the BSE crisis.

If they can add the odd horse carcass to the burger meat without being noticed what else has been minced up?
Last edited by: CGNorwich on Thu 17 Jan 13 at 15:16
 Shergar found! - madf
>> The issue surely is not whether we are prepared to eat horse meat but whether
>> we are happy to be palmed off with something other and cheaper that we paid
>> for and perhaps more importantly how could this happen following the controls implemented after the
>> BSE crisis.
>> If they can add the odd horse carcass to the burger meat without being noticed
>> what else has been minced up?

Human remains: no body, no trace.
 Shergar found! - DP
There is no animal I wouldn't eat, or indeed that I have tried and not found delicious. Including horse.

I think the general lack of care and effective process in the meat industry is a much bigger issue. I couldn't give two hoots about eating horse, but what else is in there?
 Shergar found! - madf
Road kill, meat condemned as unfit for human consumption and mule are likelies
 Shergar found! - TheManWithNoName
Does anyone know where a chicken's nuggetts are exactly?
 Shergar found! - Roger.
Under its tail feathers?
An even deeper question - where are a fishes fingers?
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
I wonder how many cats or dogs are added in certain meat mixtures.How would we know?

I've eaten horsemeat a bit stringy.
 Shergar found! - madf
A local Chinese restaurant was persecuted for using dog as chicken...
 Shergar found! - crocks
Latest rumour - traces of zebra found in Tesco barcodes.
 Shergar found! - Zero
Stripe me!
 Shergar found! - Clk Sec
Can we draw a line under this one before it gets out of hand?
 Shergar found! - bathtub tom
A case of closing the stable door, methinks.
 Shergar found! - Armel Coussine
The thread's knackered.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
Tesco Horse burgers? .. .for me thats a non-starter
 Shergar found! - R.P.
It's amazing the regional pricing differences of Tesco.

When I looked into the price of the burgers, they were 2.10 at Lingfield, 2.30 at Ascot and 2.45 at Kempton Park.
 Shergar found! - Auntie Lockbrakes
A pal of mine just said that Tesco are giving customers treble points on their Clubcard this week on all purchases of petrol and hamburgers. It's their Only Fuel & Horses promotion...
 Shergar found! - Pat
It is RP.

Diesel is £1.42.9 at March, £1.41.9 at Bar Hill and only £1.40.9 at Huntingdon.

I do wonder why there is a difference in such a small radius.

 Shergar found! - VxFan
I see the Tesco horse burger problem is still the mane news item.

But hopefully not furlong.
Last edited by: VxFan on Mon 21 Jan 13 at 10:14
 Shergar found! - Zero
they need something to filly the pages.
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
This scheme to own a share of racehorse seems to have gone horribly wrong.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
HMV vouchers are now being accepted at Tesco.

Horse Meat Vouchers that is.
 Shergar found! - Dog
The missus was quite ill over the weekend having eaten an orse burger, but now she's in a stable condition.

 Shergar found! - Bromptonaut
Time to take this thread to the knackers.

The puns are stalled and mangerously weak. Time to say good byre.
 Shergar found! - smokie
Bit of a blinkered view there Bromps? :-)
 Shergar found! - smokie
Apparently shergar burgers can give you the trots...
 Shergar found! - VxFan
There's quite a few lame jokes here.
 Shergar found! - legacylad
I supose we all know that hamburgers=shergar bum
 Shergar found! - VxFan
>> I supose we all know

yes -

 Shergar found! - VxFan
Don't worry if you missed out on buying Horse Burgers

Tesco have found some more -

Hurry up before they close the stable doors.

 Shergar found! - Zero
I love the user comment in there

Just lost my job as a shelf stacker at Tesco, when the packet of frozen burgers I threw at Dave hit the store manager on the head.

Seems they have a zero tolerance policy on horse play.
 Shergar found! - Armel Coussine
Horse meat containing traces of phenylbutazone, a drug used as a painkiller for horses but carcinogenic to humans, has been found by slaughterhouse inspectors.

The comic ran a story on this today in the hope of making people think their Big Mac will give them cancer. It even said the stuff is known familiarly as 'bute' in equestrian circles. But the comic stopped short of saying what it is used for: making showjumpers, steeplechasers and hunters stop minding about the pain they feel when they land on their over-used, permanently damaged leg joints.
 Shergar found! - madf
If they made burgers from used Tour de France winners....
 Shergar found! - Cliff Pope
>> It even said the stuff is known familiarly
>> as 'bute' in equestrian circles.

Buy Bute here:
 Shergar found! - madf
>> >> It even said the stuff is known familiarly
>> >> as 'bute' in equestrian circles.
>> >>
>> Buy Bute here:

Just ordered 5kgs for Mrs madf.. purely medicinal you know....
 Shergar found! - VxFan
Poland are to blame for the horse meat claim the FSA

 Shergar found! - Roger.
Good job I didn't polish off too many of them - or indeed, any.
 Shergar found! - madf
And on it goes..


Asda burgers discovered with 80% horsemeat as contamination row continues
Freeza Meats of Newry received shipment of minced beef in September"

"The North’s Food Standard Agency, meanwhile, was last night continuing to investigate how part of a meat consignment from McAdam Foods and stored in a Newry meat company plant labelled as beef was found to contain 80 per cent horse meat."

I think it is safe to assume that many in the UK have been eating horsemeat for years,,
 Shergar found! - Dog
It's enough to make you go giddy up!
 Shergar found! - Duncan
Rein in those comments!
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
DNA tests also reveal Richard III was 20% horse.
 Shergar found! - Dog
I herd he spoke Brummie, in the mane.
 Shergar found! - TheManWithNoName
>> DNA tests also reveal Richard III was 20% horse.
I heard that during the DNA tests on Richard III the chief exec of Tesco was squirming.

Meanwhile Burger King were starting to plan their next advertising campaign.
 Shergar found! - Clk Sec
Neigh, don't saddle us with more puns.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
>> I think it is safe to assume that many in the UK have been eating horsemeat for years,,

As I said earlier in this thread - "Part of the stable diet"
 Shergar found! - Focusless
Some Findus beef lasagne was up to 100% horsemeat, says FSA

 Shergar found! - Dutchie
This is being going on for Donkey years.
 Shergar found! - rtj70
I don't eat beef personally... but this is going to impact many businesses. If I did eat beef I'd stop. BSE didn't effect me as I didn't eat beef products then either. At uni I shudder to think what was in a beef burger at the local takeaway or hall of residence. Not a lot of meat even if the rest was from a cow.

If many stop eating beef products then use of beef will drop... what about farmers. This is a disaster. And unlike BSE there's nothing wrong with the beef this time. And probably nothing much wrong with the horse meat either.
Last edited by: rtj70 on Thu 7 Feb 13 at 21:21
 Shergar found! - BobbyG
I eat donner kebabs.

No amount of meat scares will affect me!
 Shergar found! - rtj70
>> I eat donner kebabs.

Is there much meat in a donner kebab? I say meat and not animal product :-)
 Shergar found! - BobbyG
Who knows!!
 Shergar found! - Zero
>> Who knows!!

Its dead jim....
 Shergar found! - Dog
>>This has been going on for donkey's years<<

I like that, not a lot, but I like it, you're quite intelligent you know Dutchie ... for a Dutchman.

 Shergar found! - Roger.
It's all that Dutch courage he imbibes!

Come on Dutchie - let's have some jokes about the English!
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
No jokes about the English my missus is stronger than me.The Dutch courage is from the Genever haven't had a drop for years.I know some German jokes.>:)
 Shergar found! - VxFan
So, Findus have withdrawn their products because of horse meat contamination.

Shame...I really liked their Spagetti Bologneighs.
 Shergar found! - Crankcase

Was that Shappi Horsandi? I wouldn't put it pasta.
 Shergar found! - Zero
they do a good Moules mane-ierre
 Shergar found! - Crankcase
>> they do a good Moules mane-ierre

Mules mane-ierre, surely?
 Shergar found! - DP
>> Mules mane-ierre, surely?

Or even Mules manure....
 Shergar found! - Roger.
>> No jokes about the English my missus is stronger than me.The Dutch courage is from
>> the Genever haven't had a drop for years.I know some German jokes.>:)

Even better - go for it!
 Shergar found! - Dog
Even vegetarians are getting a little hoarse ... from laughter!
 Shergar found! - madf
Findus will soon be in the knacker's yard.
 Shergar found! - VxFan

Is that the term used for equine hide and seek?
 Shergar found! - Alanovich
>> Findus will soon be in the knacker's yard.

Expect a rebrand soon, along the lines of Consiglia or hibu.
 Shergar found! - madf
Findus are running a new competition.

Where's the beef?
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
If you eat meat best to go to your local butcher and buy belly of pork for your kids.Not expensive.With mashed potato carrots and union and a nive gravy they be full.

It was never going to be beef what is wrote on the packaging they are masters at kidding us on.Marketing.
 Shergar found! - Bromptonaut
>> If you eat meat best to go to your local butcher and buy belly of
>> pork for your kids.Not expensive.With mashed potato carrots and union and a nive gravy they
>> be full.

Rolled belly pork joint for my tea tonight Dutchie. Roasted veg and boiled potatoes.

Nice glass od Cabernet Sauvignon to go with it.
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
That must be a buy then.

 Shergar found! - madf
I prefer lamb's belly myself.
 Shergar found! - Cliff Pope
I look forward to a nice piece of horse with beafradish sauce.
 Shergar found! - bathtub tom
Interesting caller on local radio said he's been unable to buy 'green offal' for a few weeks.

He buys the stuff marked as unfit for human consumption to feed his dogs.

His supplier told him it's all being bought up by Polish companies.

I wonder where that might turn up?
 Shergar found! - Dog
Probably somewhere like here:
 Shergar found! - bathtub tom
Please, don't. That's not a hundred miles from where my daughter lives and I'm sure I've had a takeway from there.

I've also got some Polish sausage in the 'fridge!
 Shergar found! - madf
Just wait when the FSA - who appear totally non proactive - investigate chicken pies.

 Shergar found! - Dog
My sister lives a short walk from there and they often go to some dive called The Half Price Curry House in that road,
I had a wander up n' down but couldn't find it.

No guesses as to why it is half price though!

 Shergar found! - rtj70
There used to be a few cheap but good curry houses near the Arndale Centre in Manchester. They probably closed after the IRA bomb because we were relocated :-) Not sure what meat was in any of the curries. Probably best not to ask.
 Shergar found! - Dog
What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, they say :)
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
I had a piece of fish tonight.It was supposed to be cod,not sure now Diana was grinning after my silly remark about Dogs.
 Shergar found! - Focusless
Someone on BBC Breakfast this morning was saying it's not that easy to say what is actually in (say) a burger. DNA testing generally involves looking for a certain type of DNA, so you will only detect horse if you look for it. And if there's no horse, what else should you check for?

Actually I think I'd rather not know :)
Last edited by: Focusless on Sat 9 Feb 13 at 13:00
 Shergar found! - Bromptonaut
>> Someone on BBC Breakfast this morning was saying it's not that easy to say what
>> is actually in (say) a burger. DNA testing generally involves looking for a certain type
>> of DNA, so you will only detect horse if you look for it. And if
>> there's no horse, what else should you check for?

And I suspect you'd only look for horse (or pig/sheep/cat) in beef if you'd a reason too. Were the Irish meat hygiene who first found this stuff tipped off?
 Shergar found! - madf
>> >> Someone on BBC Breakfast this morning was saying it's not that easy to say
>> what
>> >> is actually in (say) a burger. DNA testing generally involves looking for a certain
>> type
>> >> of DNA, so you will only detect horse if you look for it. And
>> if
>> >> there's no horse, what else should you check for?
>> And I suspect you'd only look for horse (or pig/sheep/cat) in beef if you'd a
>> reason too. Were the Irish meat hygiene who first found this stuff tipped off?

The FT had this article :

saying they acted "on a hunch".. in Nov7 after finding frozen boxed beef with fraudulent labels at Freeza Meats cold store in Newry in September.

Sounds like a tip off to me...on fraudulent labels...
 Shergar found! - smokie
"...they acted "on a hunch""

Nah, straight from the horses mouth I reckon

 Shergar found! - Meldrew
There is allegation that, in the past at least, monkfish was shaped and formed and put in batter to be sold as scampi, at a very good mark up. Confirmed by Wiki (FWIIW) Monkfish tail is sometimes illegally used and sold as scampi. In the UK this contravenes the Fish Labelling (Amendment) England Regulation 2005 and Schedule 1 of the Food Labelling Regulations 1996.
Last edited by: Meldrew on Sat 9 Feb 13 at 13:14
 Shergar found! - madf
A fuller story here which suggests Irish connections loom large..

and lots of porky pies...
 Shergar found! - Meldrew
Comigel who supply some meat for Findus, are mentioned as having a Romanian connection

"The firm is currently under investigation for importing horse meat from Romania which was then labelled as beef.
It was then exported to the Luxembourg factory of the French frozen food giant Comigel, and eventually sold on to British supermarkets including Aldi and Tesco.
Ready meals in Britain including Findus lasagnes have been found to contain up to 100 per cent horse meat, and a criminal enquiry has been launched.
The authorities in France have now begun an "urgent" investigation of their own in to both Comigel and Spanghero" Quote from DT.
 Shergar found! - Ambo
Confirmed also by our fishmonger.
 Shergar found! - Armel Coussine
>> Monkfish tail is sometimes illegally used and sold as scampi.

In the mid-sixties I ordered a prawn curry in a Hampstead restaurant (a modest one where I often ate, two of us for 14/- on average... those were the days eh?).

When it arrived I could see at once that the prawns weren't prawns but something else. After staring at them for a long time I concluded that they were whelks. I didn't eat them and have still never tasted a whelk. They aren't appetising in appearance.

On another occasion the same restaurant advertised a special Christmas menu with turkey curry. We ordered the turkey curry and the waiter bawled over his shoulder towards the hatch: 'Two chicken curry!' A cynical establishment, but we survived.
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
Do people really care what they eat I wonder.After a few alcoholic drinks everything taste nice.
 Shergar found! - VxFan
I wonder if it affects their filly con carne range too?
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
I'm serious now horsemeat is tasty.People look at horses as a pet which is understandable.What do you think of horses who die in the Grand National? They end up on somebody's plate.Royalty shoot dear and eat it.Dear look and are nice animals.Let the retailers be honest horsemeat with cereal on the packett.They have been selling it for years.?_
 Shergar found! - Meldrew
Almost any creature can be eaten; skin it, take the bones out and cook to taste. It is a question of cultural perceptions and whether it actually tastes nice, to the person eating it. Not for nothing were missionaries known as "Long Pig" by the Polynesians who ate them!
 Shergar found! - Armel Coussine
>> missionaries known as "Long Pig" by the Polynesians who ate them!

Not always a matter of taste but sometimes of necessity:

Oh I am the cook and the captain bold
And the mate of the Nancy brig,
And the bosun tight and the midshipmite
And the crew of the captain's gig...
 Shergar found! - madf
I really don't care if I eat horse providing it is labelled as such.

But I listen to all this junk about "it's safe to eat"..

Since they have no idea where the horsemeat came from, how do they know?

It's possible to have come from Mexico and been laden with bute.. or not.

I really think this story is going to get a lot worse yet..
 Shergar found! - Zero
The problem is not that its horse, goat or pig. Its the fact that its purports to be beef from a certain place, and it turns out to be nothing of the sort from somewhere else unknown, and the whole traceability of the ford source has been thrown down the crapper. They only chose horse because it might not get noticed, but it could quite as easily have been ground up diseased manila rats.
 Shergar found! - madf
The same abattoir which supplied horsemeat to Comigel ( who supplied Findus ) was implicated in an e-coli scandal 12 months ago and forced to "destroy" 12 tonnes of contaminated beef.

Any guesses as to whether the beef was destroyed?
 Shergar found! - bathtub tom
Strange that none of the large, high street, burger bars have avowed their meat's 100% beef?
 Shergar found! - Dog
At least y'all can't get mad cow dis-ease from an orse!
 Shergar found! - Meldrew
I don't think they truthfully could. The only organisation who has made a clear statement is the head of Morrisons who said, so far as I recall, that they knew their English suppliers and controlled or owned their own abattoirs. T be honest I knowingly ate horse-meat sausages in Holland 40 years ago. I justwant the produce accurately labelled so that I can make an informed choice
 Shergar found! - Roger.
A headline from the Daily Mirror?

Foxes Glacier Mints contain no foxes, shocker!
 Shergar found! - zookeeper
news just in..... human DNA found in welsh lamb :)
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
Human meat looks like pig who knows.>)
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
Good to be honest Meldrew horse meat sauasages that makes a change.I was talking to my sister about food.She won't eat Bami Hapje some kind of Indonesian speciality.What's in it is anybody's guess.
 Shergar found! - madf
>> Good to be honest Meldrew horse meat sauasages that makes a change.I was talking to
>> my sister about food.She won't eat Bami Hapje some kind of Indonesian speciality.What's in it
>> is anybody's guess.

See the ingredients in haggis..for some kind of clue.
 Shergar found! - madf
>> I don't think they truthfully could. The only organisation who has made a clear statement
>> is the head of Morrisons who said, so far as I recall, that they knew
>> their English suppliers and controlled or owned their own abattoirs. T be honest I knowingly
>> ate horse-meat sausages in Holland 40 years ago. I justwant the produce accurately labelled so
>> that I can make an informed choice

I thought Morrison's CEO was very good when interviewed on TV. Open and honest and answered the questions.


 Shergar found! - Crankcase
Indeed it's the traceability that's a concern. And who knows now what's what? How similar to chicken does dog or cat or rat taste, never mind beef?
 Shergar found! - Zero
While out filming trains yesterday, I got pretty close to a herd of cows, se what happened here

 Shergar found! - Dog
Nice shots/positioning - and no wind! (apart from the onion bhajis)
 Shergar found! - Duncan
I liked the comment "May The Horse Be With You!"
Last edited by: Duncan on Sun 10 Feb 13 at 09:31
 Shergar found! - Cliff Pope
>> I justwant the produce accurately labelled so
>> that I can make an informed choice

Supposing the labels on all beaf products said they contained 10% horsemeat, and every other meat said it might contain traces of horsemeat, what would your informed choice be?

In what way would your informed choice differ from your uninformed one?
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
"In what way would your informed choice differ from your uninformed one?"

Personally if it said 100% beef (preferably British beef) I might buy it - if it says contains 10% horse meat or may contain horsemeat I wouldn't. That 's my choice and I should be given the information to make it.

Surely you don't believe we don't have the right to know what we are eating.
 Shergar found! - Cliff Pope

>> Surely you don't believe we don't have the right to know what we are eating.

No, of course I don't. I am just curious to know precisely what people mean by an "informed choice" when there is actually no real choice. Ask Hobson.
 Shergar found! - Meldrew
I have information, thus I can use it to make a decision which is thus an informed decision. I can decide if it want a trace of Shergar or a guaranteed 10%.
Last edited by: Meldrew on Sun 10 Feb 13 at 10:02
 Shergar found! - sherlock47
Surely, since it is food, the most important thing is what does it taste like and does it it do you any good/harm.

Not pandering to historic cultural views on the origin. I have friends who keep animals - some get named, but those destined for the table do not. I think this originated to to suit the 5 year olds not the adults.
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
"Surely, since it is food, the most important thing is what does it taste like and does it it do you any good/harm."

That may be the most important thing but coming a pretty close second is that you get what you paid for. You're surely not advocating a position where it is perfectly OK to somebody something other than what they paid for just because it won't harm them.

If I don't want to eat horse that's my choice whether its a "historic cultural view" or not.

How about if I water down your beer. I promise it won't harm you at all, might even do you good, would that be OK? How about some ground up mealworms in your pork pie - Very healthy and cheap form of protein and low in cholesterol I understand. No need to tell you because both the beer and pie tastes OK and won't harm you ?
 Shergar found! - sherlock47
>>How about some ground up mealworms in your pork pie - Very healthy and cheap form of protein and low in cholesterol I understand. No need to tell you because both the beer and pie tastes OK and won't harm you ? <<<

probably more healthy than the pork in the pie - would not worry me.

Water in beer - that maybe another matter! I have not tried any modern alcohol free beer - but I guess that watered down would not meet the taste test.
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
So you believe that so long as you can't tell the difference you are happy to be buy any food where the actual ingredients and the listed ingredients are different.

You are not concerned that you are being defrauded? I am amazed.

Do you apply the same criteria when buying other products
 Shergar found! - sherlock47
>> So you believe that so long as you can't tell the difference you are happy
>> to be buy any food where the actual ingredients and the listed ingredients are different.
>> You are not concerned that you are being defrauded? I am amazed.
>> Do you apply the same criteria when buying other products

Sorry you are at cross purposes or we misunderstood each other! I was commenting on the inclusion of horse (or mealworms!) in the food not the mislabelling aspects.
 Shergar found! - CGNorwich
"Sorry you are at cross purposes or we misunderstood each other!"

Seems so.

 Shergar found! - Meldrew
A colleague of mine had two pigs which were named Black and Decker, a winter of sausages, gammon and other good things ensued. Next spring he had had a run-in with a firm of local solicitors and had three pigs which were named Ogden, Price and Stubbs, in their honour
 Shergar found! - madf
>> >> I justwant the produce accurately labelled so
>> >> that I can make an informed choice
>> >>
>> Supposing the labels on all beaf products said they contained 10% horsemeat, and every other
>> meat said it might contain traces of horsemeat, what would your informed choice be?
>> In what way would your informed choice differ from your uninformed one?

Under UK labelling regs, I suspect it will have to contain a %.rather than traces.

 Shergar found! - Meldrew
In a moment of senile madness I bought a tin of Sainsburys Value Chicken Soup. It was the consistence of, and tasted like, wallpaper paste with .a stock cube in it. Subsequent reading of the label revealed a content of 2% chicken
 Shergar found! - Dog
Did you eat drink it Mildew, or did you chicken out?
 Shergar found! - Meldrew
It glurped down, rather like the slime one has to take called a Barium Meal, before a stomach X-Ray!
 Shergar found! - Dog
Reminds me of the chicken sloop I used to actually prefer to the tea & coffee from the vending machine on Waterloo Station back in the 60's at 4.00am in the morning having walked over Hungerford Bridge from the West End, somewhat bleary eyed :)
 Shergar found! - Zero
Everything out of that machine, even the tea, looked and tasted like chicken soup slime.
Last edited by: Zero on Sun 10 Feb 13 at 13:49
 Shergar found! - Dog
Well I'm still alive, just!
 Shergar found! - Bromptonaut
>> Strange that none of the large, high street, burger bars have avowed their meat's 100%
>> beef?

IIRC Burger King did and then had to recant as they used same supplier as Tesco etc.
 Shergar found! - Bromptonaut
>> Almost any creature can be eaten; skin it, take the bones out and cook to
>> taste. It is a question of cultural perceptions and whether it actually tastes nice, to
>> the person eating it.

Indeed. My colleague, a prospective Barrister with a Masters in Law was horrified that I'd happily eat rabbits. A restaurant in Chambery went to some length to ensure I understood the plat du jour was a bunny The English were obviously expected to be anthropomorphic with a fixation on Pierre Lapin.
 Shergar found! - Dog
My ole mum used to knock up a nice rabbit stew many years in the too-distant past, I actually pre furred it to chicken.
 Shergar found! - Pat
I can skin, draw and portion a rabbit to make a mean rabbit stew, it's just this fancy stuff like pasta I can't cook.

Who wants a plateful of the same thing anyway?

 Shergar found! - Pat
Come to think of it, I can shoot it with a 12 bore too from the back of a landrover with a searchlight:)

I'm a true country girl!

 Shergar found! - Dutchie
My grandfather used to have rabbits.He got somebody else to kill them do.

Rabbit taste better than chicken.
 Shergar found! - Dog
>>My grandfather used to have rabbits<<

Just as well he didn't live in Wales then Ducky :}
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
Why Dog Wales Rabbits are tasty are they not?
 Shergar found! - Dutchie
Dog write us that Veg Curry recipe down again I've forgotten. (Please)

Have to keep my better halve happy EU relations.
 Shergar found! - Dog
>>Why Dog Wales Rabbits are tasty are they not?<<

Just one-of my stew-pid jokes Dutchie [ignore me, most do] :)

That veggie curry is on this site somewhere in cyber space, I'll have to see if I can retrieve it b'cos it entails a lot of typing, and I don't do typing (Aghhhhhh!)
 Shergar found! - crocks
Is this the one you are after Dutchie?
 Shergar found! - Dog
Well done that man - you're a diamond geezer!
 Shergar found! - Dog
'My ole mum' used to dish her rabbit stew up with a couple of dumplings, I don't do dumplings
(unless they are held up by a bra)

 Shergar found! - Dutchie
Very funny Dog no nice boy then.>:)

Mother was a good cook no microwafe stuff.Not invented yet.The old man used to fry fresh fish stonk the kitchen out.They used to row over the smell.
 Shergar found! - Dog
Fish can be unhealthy Dutchie, my dad dropped down dead from a massive cerebral hemorrhage at age 54 while frying some stonking fish.
 Shergar found! - Meldrew
Years ago Tesco used to sell rabbit. My children, brought up on Beatrix Potter books and rabbits wearing blue waistcoats with brass buttons were suspicious. I told them it was Chinese Chicken! Perhaps the phrase Romanian Beef will pass into our language!
 Shergar found! - Roger.
Years ago we fed our cats on Chinese sourced rabbit and UK sourced horse-meat and "anonymous" lights.
The last two mentioned smelt truly horrible when being cooked.
 Shergar found! - madf
More horse at Tesco.. it's a handicap race over 5 weeks..
 Shergar found! - Manatee
The ingredients list shows the meat contents as beef flank, 13%. So presumably what the BBC means is that it is 7.8% horsemeat. So not too bad :-)

Interestingly Tesco also says it is "made only with kitchen cupboard ingredients".
Last edited by: Manatee on Mon 11 Feb 13 at 20:00
 Shergar found! - helicopter
I went to local burger van of death today to get a sandwich...Lady behind counter is normally very pleasant but... its all getting a bit much for her....everyone thinks they are being original....

.... person in queue after me . ' Give us one of your horse burgers Sue ' elicited a weak smile..

30 seconds later another guy arrives smiles and says ' Where you getting your burgers these days Sue .. The Epsom Derby? ...even weaker smile from Sue...

A minute later next guy says 'Hello Sue .. I am so hungry I could eat a horse but just give me one of your burgers .....

Reply from Sue ...Just '**** off will you !!' to general bemusement of the last guy to arrive and the collapse in laughter of everyone else......

Last edited by: retpocileh on Tue 12 Feb 13 at 16:21
 Shergar found! - Zero
Is that the burger stall in the crawly industrial area?

Epic Burgers!
 Shergar found! - Pat
Good for her!

 Shergar found! - madf
We keep turkeys.
For the period since we started we are asked about Christmas lunch...

You get fed up with bad jokes after a while..

Shows which punters are thick and don't consider anyone might have cracked the joke 1,000 times before.

Good for her!

 Shergar found! - VxFan
How many times have we all said, "I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse"?

Now we're all moaning about it!
 Shergar found! - Bromptonaut
I used to youth hostel and cycle with a guy who'd often remark at mealtimes that he was so hungry he could eat a scabby horse.

Well Mark, you probably have now.
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