Here to rant! Three and a bit years ago I bought a Skoda Superb. As it was 5,000 miles short of a cambelt change I got the supplying garage to fit one as part of the deal, and all the bits - tensioners, water pump etc. “Of course, they’re all part of it.”
A couple of weeks ago, 20,000 miles later, returning to London from holiday I got a ‘coolant low’ warning at 3.30pm on a Friday afternoon. With water spewing from the water pump it looked like a very expensive series of train journeys. (Life is too short to be recovered by AA these days.)
Happily I was literally on the doorstep of a garage. You’ve got to be lucky sometimes.
At 4pm he started dismantling the car. At 5pm I arrived with the bits from a local motor factor, and at 7pm I was on my way back to London.
Absolutely praise beyond praise for the nicest and most helpful garage in the world, Mike Hope of Wooler.
The guys I bought it from however, their name is mud. The cambelt was new but the water pump was almost certainly the original. Good luck proving that though.