Computer Related > Another scam call Miscellaneous
Thread Author: smokie Replies: 3

 Another scam call - smokie
Happened to be 0117 9594958. I thought I'd write it up here as it's quite cuning.

They will tell you they are Virgin or some other ISP and have noticed a problem with your line. To prove who they are they will get you to open a command window and type some stuff in which gives a response starting c**** 888DCA60 and a load of other numbers.

Without you telling it to them they will quote the number at you. They will say this is your computer's identity, how would they know if if they weren't genuine? I pointed out it's a Microsoft class ID and I believe it's to do with zipfiles, and is present and identical on all Windows computers for some years now so proves nothing.

They hung up.
 Messages Author Date
 Another scam call new smokie 6 Aug 24 13:20
 Another scam call new maltrap 6 Aug 24 13:36
 Another scam call new martin aston 6 Aug 24 14:11
 Another scam call new zippy 7 Aug 24 13:31
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