Computer Related > Income Tax and NI Calculator spreadsheet Miscellaneous
Thread Author: Bobby Replies: 3

 Income Tax and NI Calculator spreadsheet - Bobby
I am straight forward civil servant with boring tax affairs, no dividends etc.
just PAYE with employee pension and further additional pension contribution.

Does anyone have a spreadsheet for calculating tax/NI deductions etc? Have looked at some online calculators and none of them seem to be able to match what I am actually seeing in my payslip? Also, with the offer of overtime currently, I would like to calculate what impact that would have (am in Scotland so there are more income tax thresholds) and if I do overtime, should I be looking at further pension conts to reduce tax liability (if that is how it works?)

Was going to try and work one out myself but thought there will be surely someone here that has such a thing that I could edit accordingly?
 Messages Author Date
 Income Tax and NI Calculator spreadsheet new Bobby 1 May 24 15:00
 Income Tax and NI Calculator spreadsheet new Bromptonaut 1 May 24 15:10
 Income Tax and NI Calculator spreadsheet new zippy 1 May 24 15:15
 Income Tax and NI Calculator spreadsheet new Bobby 1 May 24 20:36
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